
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Thursday 22 June 2023



Micah 6:8, Proverbs21:3.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

The key words  are “The LORD” and “requires”. Characteristics of the LORD can not be exhausted but let me just describe him as the most high and holy God, pure and holy , upright and just, loving and kind, righteous, faithful, merciful, unlimited, and forgiving. The one who does no wrong. Heaven is his 

throne and the earth is his footstool. And ‘Requires’ simply means demands or expects. So what the LORD  requires of you is what he demands from you or what he expects of you.

As God spoke through prophet Micah to people of Judah when the rich were oppressing the poor and there were moral and spiritual decline and sinfulness of the rulers was high then, God is still speaking through the word to all the mortals. May our spiritual ears open to hear the word and obey in Jesus name.

Let us take the instructions one by one.

  1. To act justly.- To act justly is to do right, to do what is correct , proper and morally right. Is doing things  as you do unto the Lord, as you would want others do unto you. It is being fair to others, being impartial, and doing things rightfully. It could also mean working or acting to correct the wrong and wanting to put things in the right perspective.

Brethren, do you know that it is by what you do that you will be considered as being righteous, acting justly or otherwise and not by faith alone. James 2:24.

As you pay your tithe, give offerings and support the work of God and spend your time for the work, you are  admonished to not neglect justice, mercy and faithfulness. Matt 23:23b. “To do what is right is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice .”Prov 21:3. Brethren act justly.

  1. To love mercy.-  Mercy is compassion , kindness, forgiveness shown towards someone who does not deserve it. When you show love and 

kindness to someone that is within your power to punish, or harm and you forgive and let go. These are evidences that you love mercy. Having compassion for the less privileged, treating people leniently, caring for those in need, being kind to others, being tender hearted, readiness to minister to the poor in spirit, to the broken hearted and to the lost are evidences. To show that you love mercy, you have to act it through  kindness, compassion and forgiveness. The Bible says “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” Matt 5:7. As you  show mercy to others, you too will be obtaining mercy. It is out of love and mercy that God sent Jesus the messiah to mankind. John 3:16. Therefore “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”Lk6:36. Brethren, love mercy and act it.

  1. Walk humbly with your God.- Our walk is our way of life and to walk humbly  with God  is to walk in all  his ways with humility and without pride. It is to build your personal  relationship with God and to please him in all your ways. The Bible says can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so. Amos 3:3. To walk with  God calls for holiness, a life of purity, total submission to him and obedience to his commands. Having clean hands and a pure heart and living to please him always  and having no other god except Him alone.

The three, act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God complement each other and offer a path  to a meaningful and blessed life.

 Brethren, live in such a way that your behaviour,  responses and attitude will showcase a vibrant, honest faith that is deeply rooted in Christ.

You are admonished to “ Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.” Zech 7:9. And be fair and sincere to all in all your dealings. You are also encouraged to self examine yourself by asking yourself  questions like “Am I fair and kind to others? Do I readily let go and forgive? Am I faithful in dealing with others? Am I living holy and righteous ? Your response to these questions will help you to assess yourself. May the Lord help you.


Dear Heavenly Father, 

thank you so much for showing we mortals what is good.

Grant us the grace and all we need to be able to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with you till the end of age.

In Jesus’ name.


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