
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


Text: 1st Samuel 2:2, 1st King 4:32, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16

Hymns are Christian songs of praise and they are offered to God. They are a veritable part of Christian worship. They are songs sang to praise and worship the Lord. Hymns result from divine inspiration just as the Scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Hymns writers have been inspired by God to write hymns suitable for every occasion and for every season, such as Easter, Christmas, Wedding, Naming Ceremonies, Church dedication, Funeral Ceremony and many other celebrations.

In the Early Church, singing hymns was very common. Then they had only old testament. Most times their teachings were rendered in music and hymns and it helped them a great deal. In Col 3:16, the Bible says “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God”. You are admonished to sing hymns unto the Lord. In Eph 5:19, the Bible says “Speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; sing and make music in your heart to the Lord”. You are to encourage other believers with hymns and by so doing you are ministering to them. Generally hymns have continued to minister to the need of millions, they are tools for comfort, inspiration, hope and even as instruction. They are sources of spiritual strength for the believers. They minister peace and encouragement to souls. They give required encouragement to people during tough times, the period of affliction and trials. In James 5:13, the Bible says “Is anyone one of you in trouble? He should pray; Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise”. Since hymns are songs of praise, we are encouraged to sing them.

Apart from being used to offer praise to God, to express gratitude and to appreciate God for great things He has done for us. Hymns are sang to express joy {James 5:13}. They were traditionally sang at the Passover meal as seen in Psalm 115-118. They also usher you to the presence of God anytime you sing them. Spend your pleasant time by singing hymns to God. I pray He gives you a new song. In Psalm 40:3, David said they are loaded with wonderful words of wisdom, full of messages and lessons to learn from each. They are relevant during house fellowship, prayer meetings, church services, Holy Communion Service and during Baptism. Every believer should cultivate the habit singing hymns.

When Jesus was going to the cross He sang a hymn. His disciples sang a hymn after they had the last supper with Him. This is to show you how useful and important hymns are.

Let us consider some of the people who have been inspired to sing hymns in the Bible.

David’s Psalm 23 inspired the hymn “The king of love my shepherd is”. His Psalm 61 which he wrote when he was forced to escape during the days of Absalom’s rebellion inspired hymn “Hiding in Thee” also his Psalm 103 which was God’s great love for us inspired hymn “ Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”. Psalm 18:3 is also David’s hymn “ I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy of praise and I am saved from my enemies”. He sang this hymn when the Lord delivered him from his enemies.

Moses ‘ Psalm 90 inspired hymn “O God our help in ages past”.

The sons of Korah’s Psalm 46 was written to appreciate God for being our refuge and strength and it inspired hymn “ A mighty Fortress is our God”. Also their Psalm 87 which looks ahead of the Holy City that is the New Jerusalem inspired hymn “Glorious Things of Thee are spoken”

Hannah in 1st Samuel 2:2 praised God with a hymn “There is no one Holy like the Lord”. When she was blessed with a son Samuel.

Mary mother of Jesus in Luke 1:46-55 rendered hymns called “The Magnificent” to glorify God for what the Lord was going to do for the world through her.

You too can sing hymns in anticipation of what God will do for you. The Bible tell us in 1st King 4:32 that Solomon songs numbered a thousand and five(1005) mostly in support of godly marriage.

Miriam in Ex 15:21 sang to the Lord when God gave Israelites victory over Pharaoh.

Deborah in Judges 5 together with Barak sang a victorious song when the Lord gave them victory over king Jabin of Canaan and Sisera his army leader.

In Luke 1:67-79, the song called “The Benedictus” was sang by Zachariah after months of silence when he had John the Baptist.

You can cultivate the habit of rendering hymns to the Lord. They lift up the spirit and usher you to the presence of God

Fanny J. Crosby, despite the fact that she was blind was inspired to write many hymns. Among the hymns she wrote are;

  • “Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine”
  • “I am thine o Lord”
  • “Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour”
  • “To God Be The Glory”

All over the world believers are singing Fanny Crosby’s hymns and many other hymns.

Note that when you and I leave this world and make it to heaven, the only thing we shall be doing is to join the saints and the angels to be worshipping and praising God with hymn.

Collection of hymns are made in to Hymnal books like The Baptist Hymnal¸ The Redeemed Hymnal and many other hymnals. Hymn books are companion to the Bible.

Add yours to these hymns. You will be richly blessed as you do so.


Father, give me a new song in Jesus’ name I pray.

Lord inspire me to sing appropriate hymns in whatever circumstances, so that my heart can be at tune with you and I can enjoy your peace and give glory to you in Jesus’ name. AMEN

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