
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


Gen 25:24-34, Gen 35:22, Judges 16:4-31, 1 Sam 2 & 3, Matt 27:4-5

Destiny is divine decree, fate, fortune, lot, portion or future. It is a pre-determined and life time event. Everybody has a destiny.

Jesus came to reconcile human beings to God, to be light unto us and be the saviour of all; all these He fulfilled. Moses was to deliver Israel and be their law-giver; this was fulfilled. Therefore, everybody has a destiny to fulfill. However there are destiny destroyers. Destiny destroyers are things or people that/who will not allow one's destiny to be fulfilled. Hence one needs to be aware of them.

The number one destiny destroyer is the devil/satan but if one heeds the instruction given in the scriptures to resist the devil, one will overcome. Sin is another one, the scripture says flee from sin and all its appearances. The devil is wise and cunny. He uses different ways to lure one into sin. Destroyer can come into one's life in form of greed, lust of flesh, pride of life, love for money and lack of self control.

Let us examine the lives of some characters like Eli, Esau, Gehazi, Reuben and Samson in the scriptures and see how their destines were affected.

Eli in 1 Sam 2:22-29, 3:12-14
Eli was a priest whom the Lord had promised the role of priesthood in his generation. However Eli honoured his children more than God and did not take firm decision against them when they did evil in the sight of God. Consequently, God changed his mind and their destiny was destroyed. God terminated the priesthood and attainment of old age in his family.

In 1 Sam 13:13-14, The Lord said to Samuel, "For I have told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about, his sons made themselves contemptible and he failed to restrain them".

Esau in Gen 25:24-34
Esau was the first son of Issac and Rebekah and also the twin brother of Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for bread and pottage of lentils due to hunger and inability to control his appetite. He despised his birthright, sold his inheritance as the firstborn son. He allowed hunger to overwhelm his concern for things of lasting value, that is, his destiny. No wonder the scripture says in Heb 12:16, "See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son".

Gehazi in 2 Kings 5:20-22
Gehazi, the servant of prophet Elisha was not born a leper but due to greed and love of money he bagged leprosy for himself and his descendants. Leprosy was pronounced on him and his descendants because he collected gifts he should not have collected from Naaman and this action of his caused him his destiny. No wonder the scripture says in 2 Kings 5:27, "Naaman's leprosy will cling to you and to your descendants for ever". Then Gehazi went from Elisha's presence and he was leprous - as white as snow.

Reuben in Genesis 35:22
Reuben was the firstborn of Israel and Leah. The scripture says in Gen 35:22, "Reuben went in and slept with his father's concubine, Bilhah and Israel his father heard of it". When Israel was old and about to die, he gathered all his twelve children to bless them. But because of what Reuben did the scripture recorded in Gen 49:3 -4, "Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign of my strength, excelling in honour, excelling in power. Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel, for you went up onto your father's bed onto my couch and defiled it". Lust of flesh destroyed his destiny and instead of blessings, he got curses.

Samson in Judges 16:4-31
Samson, son of Manoah was blessed right from birth and was destined to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines. Samson got his destiny destroyed and terminated for being unequally yoked with a philistine woman in marriage. He lost his anointing because of his delight for Delilah, sold himself to the enemies because of lack of self control and inability to bridle his
tongue. He died in the hands of his enemies with his eyes gouged out.

Brethren, beware of destiny destroyers!! Do not allow them to destroy your destiny!!!

Father, help me to achieve your destiny for my life. Give me victory over sin, self, Satan and destiny destroyers in Jesus name. AMEN

Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Text: 1 Kings 5:1-27, Acts 5:1-14, John 4:14-19

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity. He is known as the comforter. John 16:7 confirmed it. To reveal is to make known something that was previously secret or unknown. It is to bring a hidden thing to the open.

The Holy Spirit, as the revealer, brings to the open or makes known things that are unknown or hidden. In addition to the work of the Holy Spirit are groaning in prayers on your behalf, comforting you in times of trials, enlightening you in times of confusion, and launching you into the realms of the miraculous. He is also a revealer of divine secrets.

The Holy Spirit reveals to us many things that we do not know. Our God is all knowing therefore nothing can be hidden from Him. Whatever you do in the secret will be brought to the open. Therefore, outwardly and inwardly you have to be pure as admonished in Heb 10:22. 1 Thess 5:51-22 says "Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil". You are admonished to do good always and not evil whether you are alone or in company of others.

God knows you inside out. He knows the number of strands of hair on your head, your name, your abode and every thought of yours. So unto thyself be truthful and do good always. Psalm 1:1 says "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stands in the way of sinners or sits in the sit of mockers". You are recognised by your deeds. Just as a tree is recognised by its fruits".

What would you want the Holy Spirit to reveal about you?

Let us consider some of the activities revealed by the Holy Spirit as recorded in the scriptures.

2 Kings 5:1-27

After Naaman, captain of the army of the king of Syria had been healed of leprosy by dipping himself seven times in River Jordan as directed by Prophet Elisha, he went with gifts to appreciate Elisha. Elisha did not accept the gifts. However Gehazi, Elisha's servant secretly went behind to receive gifts from Naaman. This action of Gehazi was revealed to Elisha by the Holy Spirit. When Elisha accosted Gehazi, he denied and leprosy was pronounced on him and his generation.

Note that the Holy Spirit will always reveal and bring to the open everything you do. No hidden place for the evil doer. When you think nobody is watching, the Holy Spirit is watching. Be mindful of what you do!

Acts 5:1-14

Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold their land as many used to do in the church of old and would bring the money to the common purse to share and use on the entire church. But Ananias and Sapphira kept part of the money and lied that they brought everything. The Holy Spirit revealed their actions to Peter. The bible said in Act 5:3, "then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?". Act 5:4c says, "You have not lied to men but to God".

Ananias on hearing this fell and died and he was buried. Just three hours later as recorded by the bible, Peter challenged Sapphira and straight away she too fell down and died. She was buried near her husband.

Lesson to learn from this is that the Holy Spirit will always reveal information. Also you should never join anybody to do evil because you will be treated individually and you will bear the consequences. Your actions and deeds whether passive or active will always be revealed!

John 4:15-19

The Samarian woman was amazed when Jesus whom she thought did not know her and had never met her physically said in John 4:18, "the fact is you have had five husbands and the man you now have is not your husband". The Bible says in John 4:19, "Sir, the woman said I can see that you are a prophet". Note that the Holy Spirit is at work. He is still revealing things to saints and the righteous of our days. Everything about the woman was known to Jesus.

You cannot hide anything from God. Whatever you are hiding from your pastor or people around you is known to God. Do not forget that He knows you by name, your location and what you do every second.

The bible says in Jeremiah 23:24, "Can anyone hide in secret place so that I cannot see him? Declares the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? Declares the Lord". As Jesus knows everything about the Samarian woman, as the Holy Spirit revealed Ananians and Sapphira to Peter and Gehazi to Elisha, He is still doing the same today.


Father, I ask for the companionship of the Holy Spirit to reveal your plan for my life and to guide and direct my paths in Jesus name I pray. AMEN

Saturday, 22 October 2011

A Shepherd; That Is Jesus Christ

A Shepherd; That is Jesus Christ
Text: Psalm 23: 1-6, John 10:3-27, John 14: 2-4
A shepherd is one who herds and takes care of sheep directly or indirectly. A shepherd is a person such as a clergyman who watches over a group of people usually referred to as sheep.

A sheep in this context is a meek and timid person. A sheep is the obedient Christian. A sheep is one who allows himself to be under the care of a shepherd. A sheep is the redeemed of the Lord.

David acknowledged in Psalm 23:1 that “The Lord is my shepherd”. That God is a caring shepherd and a dependable guide.
David having been a shepherd of animals appreciated the role and importance of a shepherd and the dependency of sheep on the shepherd.

The Lord is the shepherd of all. Jesus said in John 10:11; “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep”. And also He said in John 10:4; “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me”. The Bible says in Heb 13:20; “Our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep”.

What does a shepherd do?
As in Psalm 23:2-3, the shepherd leads the sheep besides the still waters and also in the path of righteousness. He is always leading them in the right ways and to the right places.
As recorded in Luke 2:8, He takes care of His sheep and watches over them.
He does not allow wolves or enemies to attack or mingle with them. He cares for them in all seasons. He does not desert them and always watching over the sheep. He knows them very well by their names and voices and also the sheep know the shepherd’s voice too. He teaches them His ways and feeds them regularly with the word.
He nurtures them and sees to their total welfare.
He does not want any of them to be lost. And if any is lost he desperately searches for such until he is found as confirmed in Luke 15:4-6; He rejoices when a lost one is found.
All the sheep are His. He cares about the salvation of the sheep.

The Scripture confirms in John 14:2-4 that Jesus has gone back to His father to prepare a place for His sheep. He wants you to reign with Him in eternity. He wants you to inherit the kingdom as well and He is coming back to take you to be with Him; what a good, great and perfect Shepherd Jesus is!
Are you a shepherd?
If you have been shepherding some sheep, this sermon will be of benefit to you. Or if you intend to be a shepherd, it is advisable you shepherd as Jesus did and you will be greatly rewarded by your father in heaven.

May the Lord endow you with all you need to be a good shepherd. May He help you to lead and guide the sheep in your care aright in Jesus’ name.
That you and your sheep may reign with Jesus Christ in His kingdom. Amen

Monday, 26 September 2011


Text: 1st Samuel 10: 1-10, Ephesians 4: 11-13, 2 Timothy 4: 6-8

A ministry is the department or office for the actualization of a divine assignment. It is a call. It is God’s work. Knowing and fulfilling your ministry is to be aware of your divine assignment and be able to complete, accomplish and achieve your potentials and desires in the spirit according to the will of God.

Basically, there are five major ministries but under each ministry are some departments that can also be defined as ministries within a ministry. The five major ones are ministries of: Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets and Teachers. The other ministries outside the major ones include Missionaries, Church Planters, Choristers, Intercessors, Instrumentalists, House Fellowship Leaders, Children Leaders, Teenagers Leaders, Youth leaders, Healing Ministers, Drama Ministers, Visitation group and Welfare ministers. Apart from all the ministries mentioned above there is a Ministry of Reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 2: 18).

This ministry is meant for all believers because it is meant to bring sinners to the knowledge of Christ and to reconcile them to God. In the early church, as the number of disciples were increasing more ministers were needed for more roles in the ministry hence the need for more ministries. For example, when the Apostles were busy teaching the word, there was a need to call people to share food among the widows and the needy in the church and as a result, seven people were chosen and among them were Stephen and Philip.The Bible refers to these chosen ones as deacons (Acts 6: 1-6).

God can specifically call you into a Ministry through an audible whisper. It can be through the help of the Holy Spirit, dreams, angelic visitation or supernatural persuasion when you keep on having a burden about it and this thought keeps recurring. It could also be through a message from man or woman of God. If it is from God, the gift in you will manifest and by prayer and through the help of the Holy Spirit you will know your ministry. You can even have a combination of two or more ministries. But to be more effective and efficient it is better to discover where you are best.

• You must be born again. 
• You must be full of the Holy Spirit. 
• You must be living a holy life. 
• You must be a man or woman of honest report. 
• You must have wisdom.
• You must have faith and believe the word. 
• By developing sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice.
• Be ready to do the will of God. 

Note that acceptable ministry is the one that glorifies God. 

  • You must be holy and be full of the Holy Spirit
  • You must be prayerful
  • You must be focused
  • You must be very active in your ministry, be diligent and committed
  • You must have faith
  • You must be obedient and be faithful
  • You must be well equipped with the word
  • Invest in that ministry by training and re-training
  • Invest in it by prayer and fasting for breakthroughs
  • Be ready to stay under an authority as the twelve disciples stayed with Jesus and learnt under Jesus Christ; Elisha under Elijah; Joshua under Moses and Timothy under Paul
  • Have a progressive intimacy with God
  • As you succeed in the ministry, humble yourself and give glory to God always
  • Never share the glory of the success with God
  • Study the scriptures and meditate on it regularly

Our Lord Jesus Christ had a fulfilled ministry and so also did Apostle Paul. Read more about them so that you too can be fulfilled. Your ministry is not in isolation, it is a part, it is for the body of Christ to be built up. Work in unity with people in other ministries in the love of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12)

Father, if you have given me a ministry, grant me the grace and all it takes to fulfil it. If I am yet to know my ministry reveal it to me, endow and empower me to be fulfilled in Jesus name I pray. AMEN

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Psalm 16:11, Acts 2:28

'Joy' is a deep feeling of happiness or contentment or gladness. 'Joy' is like a spring of water that keeps bubbling within the heart of the redeemed. 'To be full' means to be complete, satisfied, saturated, abundant, adequate or plentiful. 'That your joy may be full' could mean that your gladness or happiness may be at maximum.

In psalm 16:11, the Bible says; “You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence”. This is also repeated in Acts 2:28 for emphasis. "In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy, therefore you have to be in His presence for your joy to be full". When you follow the path as directed by God your joy will necessarily be full.

When you are in the presence of God, what do you do? You praise and worship Him. Since joy comes from Him, you will surely have it. Psalm 34:3 says; “Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together”. When you glorify and magnify Him, you will be radiant and joyful.

Apart from praising and worshiping Him, you have to be in a place where you can hear the word and share it with fellow believers. Hearing the word and meditating upon it will surely give you joy. Jer 15:16 says; “when your words came, I ate them, they were my joy and my heart’s delight for I bear your name”. Definitely the word of God will fill you with joy when you digest and meditate upon it.

A great hindrance to deriving maximum joy from being in the presence of the Lord is sin. Repentance will surely set you free from sins and you will be at peace with yourself and God. Being set free from bondage of sin will also give you joy. Even the angels of God rejoice when you repent. That is, there is joy in heaven concerning you when you repent.

There is indeed fullness of joy for those who are wise and are prepared for the Lord’s coming. Wisdom is crucial, and you must seek it. The five virgin out of ten that were wise had their joy full. They were well prepared for the Bridegroom. For your joy to be full, you have to be wise. To be wise in this context is to be well prepared or His second coming so that you can be joyful and end gloriously.

Seeking the face of the Lord through prayer can connect you to the Lord and thus make Him to remember you. Surely you will be joyful because there will be divine visitation and blessings will also accompany it.

In 1st Sam. 1:10, when God remembered Hannah, her situation changed completely for better and she became joyful. Seek Him through prayers always for sustainable fullness of joy. Hannah sought God through prayers and God visited her and she became joyful.

Focusing on spiritual matters like salvation of souls and witnessing for Christ will lead to joy. As you focus on spiritual matters, heaven will focus on your physical and spiritual needs and make sure they are met. If your needs are met, you will be happy and since happiness is embedded in joy, the joy will continue to be full and overflow.

Paul concerned himself with spiritual assignment and he finished his earthly race very well as recorded in 2nd Tim 4:7. He had a glorious and joyful end.

In conclusion, for your joy to be full you have to:

1. be born again. John 3:7
2. be filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 15:7
3. focus on spiritual matters. 2nd Tim 1:14
4. equip yourself with the word and live it. Jer 15:16
5. connect to the Lord through ceaseless prayers. 1st Thes 5:17
6. be totally obedient and fear HIM. Ecc 12:13
7. be redeemed. Isa.51:11

Father in heaven, I want my joy to be full. Whatever I need to do to make it full, grant me the grace to do so. In Jesus’ name I pray (Amen)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


1st Thess 4:7-8, 1st Peter 1:15-16, Lev 11: 44-45

To live a holy life is to live a life of total obedience to the word of God. Is to obey His commandments and keep His statutes. It is to live a sinless life, a life without blemish. Is to live and walk uprightly. Living holy throughout your life time but not only when you wish to.

What does the scripture say about living a holy life?

1st Thess 4:7-8 “For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life”. “Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God who gives you his Holy Spirit”

1st Peter 1:5 “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do”.

1st Peter 1:16 “For it is written, be holy because I am holy”

Lev 11: 44 ” I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy”

Lev 11: 45 “I am the Lord who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God therefore be holy, because I am holy” God commanded us to be holy to live a holy life. He repeated it again and again to emphasize it.

Apostle Peter reminded us too, so you have to live a life of holiness. God Himself called you, and because He called you and He is holy you have to be holy too. You are even reminded that if you do not live holy, you have rejected God. Can you reject the one who created you? Can you reject the one who made you in His own image? The one who chose you? No, it is not possible. But your action and life style may be saying yes.

Holiness is the Ultimate key.

Without a key a door cannot be opened. Holy living leads to the way which is the only way to the throne where He reigns as king and where He is seated.

Do you want to reign with Him? I am sure your answer will be yes. So live holy. Holy living must be your life style.

Do you know that without holiness you cannot see Him? You cannot enter the city where God is. And what will be your gain if you gain the whole world and lose eternity.

In Rev 4:8b the Bible says “Day and night they never stop saying “Holy, holy, holy Is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is and is to come”. Apart from God being Holy, His city, habitation and throne are holy. In order words, everything about you and around you must be holy. You must do everything as unto the Lord.


Even though the world is lost to sin, sorrow and corruption, if you meditate upon the word of God regularly, holy living will be your watchword and it will be easy for you to live holy.

The scripture admonishes you to put to death what belongs to earthly nature - sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, idolatry, anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, pride, hatred and lying.

The scripture also admonishes you to clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility gentleness, patience and love. Also to forgive one another and to put on love, and to allow the peace of Christ rule your heart and exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

If you allow the word of Christ to dwell in you richly and whatever you do in word or deed, you do it as unto the Lord, then your life will be pleasing to God.

In addition to the above, you must speak the truth only and all the time, have a clean tongue and do not backbite. Do not harbour evil. Be ready to help the needy and the oppressed and you must not oppress and you must be kind to people.


God restored Job because He found him blameless.

Abraham was blessed because he was obedient and God promised to even bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him. God can do same for you if you live a holy life and he found you blameless.


  • Ø You will reign with Him in glory
  • Ø You are assured of Victory
  • Ø Your destiny will be fulfilled
  • Ø You will be defended
  • Ø You will always be restored
  • Ø God will make your enemies your friends
  • Ø God will release to you whatever is good for you.


Whatever I need to do to be able to live a holy life grant me the grace to do so.

If I have fallen below your standard of living holy I plead for mercy and I pray for the spirit of holiness to dwell in me throughout my life time. In Jesus name I pray (AMEN)

Friday, 1 July 2011


Text: Gen 4:1-12, Gen 37:1-11, 1 Sam 16-22

Jealousy is covetousness, distrust, envy, heart-burning, mistrust, possessiveness, resentment, spite and suspicion. The jealous individual definitely harbours a feeling of hatred against a rival or those more fortunate than himself. It could also be interpreted as a lack of trust in God and His divine purpose. It’s an act of selfish desire and evidence of an insecure and ungrateful heart.

Stronghold is the work of the flesh and once it permeates into one’s system, it may be difficult to break away with. It is likened to a bondage which may dominate and rule over an individual’s life.

Jealousy must be avoided and broken away from.

Why Are People Jealous?

From the definition of jealousy above, people are jealous or may be jealous when they are not satisfied with their lot. When they compare themselves with other people that appear more fortunate than them, they become envious of such people’s achievements, position, wealth or resources.

The Bible says in Psalm 139 v 14 “ I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”.

When God created you, He did not compare you with anybody. You are unique, you are an individual made for specific divine purpose, an entity before Him and with Him. God does not expect you to be comparing yourself with somebody else. Doing so is a sin; it implies that you are not satisfied with your creator and the way He created you with your endowments. Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. Be like Christ. Your standard or your reference should be Jesus Christ. You have no reason whatsoever to be comparing yourself with someone else. Let us consider those who at one time or the fell to the stronghold of jealousy in the Bible.

We will consider Cain , King Saul and Joseph’s brothers.

Cain’s Jealousy of Abel

Cain in Genesis 4:1-2 was the first son of Adam and Eve and the elder brother of Abel. Cain and Abel offered offering to God and God looked with favour on Abel and offering, but God did not look with favour on Cain and his offering. He became angry and jealous of his brother, Abel. He invited his brother out to the field and there he attacked and killed him.

Instead of Cain to make amends by offering what would be acceptable to God to secure the favour of God, he compared himself with Abel, became jealous and eventually became a murderer and a lair.

This made God to curse him. Gen 4:11-12; the Lord said; “Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth”. Jealousy can turn you a liar and a murderer. Avoid it completely.

Joseph’s brothers’ Jealousy of Joseph Gen 37: 1-11

Joseph was most loved by his father, Jacob. He also had a dream twice which was interpreted to mean people will bow down for him. These made his brothers to hate him and be jealous of him. They planned evil for him and eventually sold him into slavery. Jealousy led them to this; they had no intention of seeing him again. They wished evil for but God turned it to good for Joseph. Gen 37:11 “His brothers were jealous of him”.

Are you jealous of your relatives? Jealousy does not do anybody any good. It can only make you a sinner, make you to be heartless, wicked and a planner of evil. Do not be envious of anybody. You are fearful and wonderfully made and you are very special and unique in the hand of God.

King Saul’s Jealousy of David 1 Sam 16-22

From the very day Samuel anointed David as king, the spirit of the Lord came upon him. Because God was with David he was able to kill Goliath the Philistine who had been terrorizing Saul’s army. As soon as the news went round that small David killed giant Goliath, the women in Israel trooped out to dance and sing as in 1st Sam 18:7

Saul has slain his thousand and David his tens of thousands”.

When Saul heard this song, he thought David would capture His kingdom from him and from that time on, he kept a jealous eye on David.

Instead of King Saul to appreciate David for killing Goliath who terrorized his army, he became jealous of David and this led him to plan to kill David.

Also because David was always successful in any assignment given to him, Saul became more jealous. When Saul realized that his daughter Michal, whom he wanted to use as bait if given to David as a wife, sincerely and genuinely loved David, Saul became jealous the more. He also became sad and sorrowful. To crown it all, Jonathan his son was David’s good friend and when he discovered this, his sorrow multiplied and he became angry with Jonathan.

Saul spent part of his life time planning and re-planning how to kill David, he was not able to. His jealousy for David turned him to a murderer. Out of jealousy for David he ordered his guards to kill those who were on the side of David even the Priests of the Lord.

Jealousy can make you a sadist, a time waster and a murderer. I pray you will not allow this stronghold to have a hold on you and dominate your life.

Jealousy can make you incur the wrath of God.


Father, I praise and thank you because you wonderfully and fearfully made me. I also thank you because I am unique and special in your hand. I pray that you grant me the grace to appreciate that I am a unique being, made for specific purpose by you and to use my endowments to your glory in Jesus name. (Amen)

Monday, 30 May 2011


Jer 1:5, Ex 2:1-10, Lev 18:1-4

This sermon is centered on one of the characteristics of God – God, as the Preserver of Destiny. God is the creator of the universe and the controller of all things. Destiny is your divine decree, your fate, fortune, your lot, your portion and the future destined for a person or thing, the predetermined events, future events for a person. Destiny is a life time event. It does not end until lifetime.

To preserve is to keep safe from danger or harm, to protect from delay or nullification, to maintain or sustain, to keep up, to care for, to defend, to guard, to retain or to conserve. The person performing all these functions is the preserver of destiny and is no other one than the Almighty God, the only true God. Every child of God is a child of destiny and the preserver wants your destiny to be fulfilled. God is the custodian and preserver of destiny.

Does anybody dispute that he has a destiny? In Jer 1:5a, God said “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”. The same that applied to Jeremiah applies to you and I. God knows your beginning and your end. He knows your destiny and He is the preserver of it.

Moses ( Ex 2:1-10) will be used as the first study case

Moses was born during the oppression of Israelites in Egypt by Amram and Jochebed (Ex 2:1-10). It was the time King Pharaoh ordered all male children born by the Israelites to be killed by the Hebrew midwives. As far as King Pharaoh was concerned, Moses was not to live according to Pharaoh’s decree. but, because God is a preserver of destiny and He had a specific assignment for Moses He ensured that he must be preserved. When the King discovered the Hebrew midwives were not killing the male children, he devised another method. Despite the new method, this boy - Moses was still spared.

This boy of destiny was hidden by his mother for 3 months but when she could not longer hide him, she made an Egyptian boat with papyrus and coated it with tar and pitch. She put the baby in it and hid it among reeds near River Nile. The boy’s sister named Miriam, aged seven years, followed her mother Jochebed to see what would befall the baby.

For destiny to be fulfilled it was the same time Pharaoh’s daughter who went to bathe and she discovered the boat in which the baby boy was put. This boy – Moses- was then handed over by Pharaoh’s daughter inadvertently to her actual mother to be nursed and nurtured. She also employed her as a nurse! When the boy grew up, Pharaoh’s daughter took him back and named him Moses meaning – for I drew Him out of water.

Because God is the Almighty and is a preserver of destiny, Moses who was supposed to have been killed according to Pharaoh’s decree, was actually brought up and nurtured in Pharaoh’s palace! What an irony! This is to show that whatever God has purported to do, He will surely do no matter the circumstances and situation. Can you imagine somebody paying a mother for taking care of her own son? Because the destiny preserver had planned to preserve Moses, so it was.

God made Pharaoh’s daughter to have pity for the crying baby even though she knew it was one of the Hebrew children whom her father would have loved to kill. God used Miriam too at age seven to make the destiny fulfilled by giving her wisdom to ask Pharaoh’s daughter if she could get a nurse for her to nurse the baby boy. God also gave Jochebed - Moses’ mother - the grace to be cool headed, self controlled and to live above emotions. She was able to bridle her tongue and God granted her the grace to be very prayerful. God preserved Moses so that he could be the deliverer and law giver of Israel. And he did as planned by God.

God called him from the burning bush to deliver Israel and he led them for forty years through the wilderness. He received the Ten Commandments from God and God was always speaking with him. It was the rod in his hand the Lord employed, as he asked him to stretch it out to ‘part and dry’ the red sea for the Israelites to walk through.

Despite the circumstances surrounding his birth, God the preserver of destiny preserved him. Are you worried about the future or the events around you and in your country, government’s pronouncements that you think you may not be favoured? Do not worry; the destiny preserver is there to make sure you are fulfilled. The one who said he knew you before you were born is still there to protect, keep, maintain and sustain you.

Another example to study is Joseph. Gen 37-50

Joseph , son of Jacob and Rachel, the last born of the twelve children of Jacob was the most loved of the children. This made his brothers to hate him. Joseph had two dreams which he translated to his father and brothers, a situation that further aggravated the brothers’ hatred for him. But the dream was in line with God’s destiny for him.

His eleven brothers except one, Benjamin - his motherly born- sold him to the Midianite merchants out of envy, hatred and jealousy. But little did they know that what was intended to be evil would turn out to be favourable for Joseph. His brothers believed they would not see him again but the preserver of destiny knew that he, Joseph, would eventually, in due time, be the one to rescue them.

Joseph was sold by the Midianite merchants to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s guards in Egypt. Of course, for God’s destiny to be fulfilled in his life, God had to plant him in Egypt.

A Hebrew boy in Egypt, as a slave, Joseph was taken out of the dungeon to come and interpret Pharaoh’s dream, a dream which nobody else could interpret. God gave him a discerning spirit and this made Pharaoh to put him in charge of many things and made people to be subordinate to Joseph.

God made Joseph to forget all his troubles and made him fruitful. During the seven years of famine in other lands and Canaan, his brothers came to Egypt in search of grain. His brothers who thought they would never meet him again came in contact with him. Because the destiny preserver kept him in Egypt for such a purpose, he was able to assist them, save their lives and settle them in Goshen even with his father Jacob.

Gen 50:18-20 says “his brothers then came and threw themselves down before him, we are your slaves”. They said in v19-20, “but Joseph said to them, don’t be afraid, am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good and accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”.

Despite Joseph’s brothers’ evil plan and Potiphar’s wife’s plot to implicate him, the Lord was with Joseph; prospered him, showed him kindness, granted him favour in the eyes of the prison warders. He made him fulfilled, and granted him success in everything he did.

Your God, my God is a covenant keeping God. He is a destiny preserver. Is anybody planning evil against you? Are you being hated because you are blessed or loved? Don’t worry, the Lord who preserved Joseph is still alive to defend, protect and make sure He preserves you with your destiny

Jonah in (Jonah 1 – 4) also is a testimony to destiny preserved.

God’s plan for Jonah was to deliver the message of salvation to the people of Nineveh. But Jonah thought he could run away from God and he tried to. God allowed a fish to swallow him and while in the belly of the fish, he realised he could not run away from God. God, the preserver of destiny allowed him to be vomited on the land and he eventually went to deliver the message in Nineveh and the people were saved. Even if your flesh is warring against your spirit, God the controller and preserver of destiny will always give you a way out to make sure your destiny is fulfilled.

You are a child of destiny. Your destiny will be preserved and fulfilled in Jesus name.


Father in heaven, I thank you for giving me a destiny and for preserving it. May I be able to walk with you so that my destiny will be fulfilled in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Monday, 9 May 2011


Text: Heb. 12:5-11, Prov. 3:11-12, Prov: 23:13-14, Rev. 13:19

Chastisement simply means correction, discipline, punishment. To chastise is to correct or discipline or punish or reprimand. The Bible says in Heb.12:6 “For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes”. Heb.12:8 says “Now, if you are exempt from correction and left without discipline in which all of God’s children share, then you are illegitimate offspring and not true son”. Prov.13:11-12 says “ My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent His rebuke because the Lord disciplines those He loves as a father, the son He delights in”. Rev.3:19 says “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent”.

God chastises you so as to prevent you from perishing with the world. His uses it as a refining process to bring out the best in you, and at the same time controls the heat so that you won’t be consumed. God’s goal for chastising is not to destroy but to develop you and get the best out of you. It is to drive you to repentance and get you to rely on Him for His grace. It is one of the ways God demonstrates that He loves you and that you are special to Him because He has invested so much in you. He has a lot of stake in you. So any time you are not on the path of righteousness, He chastises you.

The Bible encourages parents to correct and rebuke so as to deliver children form destruction. Prov.23:13-14 says “Do not with hold discipline from a child, if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with rod and save his soul from death”. Prov. 29:17 says “Discipline your son and he will give you peace, He will bring delight to your soul”. Spoiling a child with wealth is pampering, it is not love. It is better to bring a child up in the way of righteousness and if a child errs, correct him or him in love with spiritual word.

Prov.22:15 says “Foolishness bound up in the heart of a child, the rod of correction will drive it far from him”. Teach your child the way he should go and teach him or her kingdom values. In 2nd Tim.4:2 teachers of the world are admonished to preach the word and use it to reprove, rebuke and extort. At times the truth may be bitter to you, it is to make you change for better and restitute your ways and be in the right standby with God. It may be difficult to accept correction, but no matter how the truth hurts, you must be willing to listen and make amends. Truth may be bitter to you, it is for your own good and it is profitable for your body, soul and spirit.

What Leads to Chastisement?

  • If one is not on the path of righteousness
  • If one is not spiritually productive
  • If one falls below God’s expectation. God has His own standard and anybody that falls below the standard will be chastised.
  • If one is living in sins
  • If one is unfaithful to His word.

Advantages of Chastisement

  • It drives out foolishness from the heart. Prov.22:15
  • So that you might be partakers of His Holiness. Heb.12:10
  • You learn from others who had been chastised. Act 5:5-10
  • You are treated as son by God. Heb.12:17
  • You are purified and the best is made of you
  • It prevents you from destruction and Hell fire. Prov.23;17
  • Brethren, when you are being chastised count it all joy. It is out of love. It is for you own good.

How does God Chastise?

Let us consider some examples of those whom God has chastised in the scriptures; David, Jonah, Nebuchadnezzar and Paul.

In 2nd Samuel 11:1-17, 12:16, King David was chastised for committing adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife. He realized God was not pleased with him, later he wrote many Psalms to appease God, sought His face and to praise Him. David would not have known he could be a great psalmist and a good praise singer. His chastisement led to this discovery.

In Jonah chapters 1-4, God chastised Jonah by allowing the fish to swallow him for three days and three nights when he was running away from God and did not want to deliver the message of salvation to the people of Nineveh. But after being chastised, he cried to God and God allowed him to be vomited and he went to deliver the message. He became a carrier of good message.

In David 4:31-34, King Nebuchadnezzar’s accomplishment made him become proud and since God detests the proud, he was chastised by God. God withdrew his royal authority and made him to live with wild animals and ate grass like cattle for seven years. After humbling himself God restored him, and made him greater than what he was. He became more refined and greater after chastisement.

In 1st Cor.9:16-23, Saul the persecutor of early Christians was chastised for persecuting the Christians. He lost his sight. God later changed his name to Paul, restored his sight and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He became an apostle, a soul winner and wrote many letters of encouragement to Christians to hold on to their faith. If Paul was not chastised perhaps he would have died as Saul the persecutor and not as Apostle Paul the soul winner.

In Rev.3:16, God warned the church in Laodicea that He would spit them out of His mouth if they are lukewarm to His service and work. He wanted them to be hot for Him. The message is for you and I too.

When you are being chastised, do not be unrepentant, count it all joy, it is to bring the best out of you. Chastisement really brought out the best in David, Jonah, Nebuchadnezzar and Paul.


Father in heaven, grant me the grace to live up to your standard and expectation. However any time I am due for chastisement, grant me the grace to endure it and come out refined and renewed .in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN.

Friday, 29 April 2011


Text: Daniel 11:32b, John 17:3, Isa 49:9b, Jer. 32:27, Gen 17:1, Rev.1:8

To know God is to know whom He is, His character, what He has done, what He is doing and what He is capable of doing. To know Him is to know how He can affect you, your life and your future and how He controls the universe which He created.

If you want to know God, you have to be close and have knowledge of Him by studying His word.

The Bible says in Daniel 11:32b "But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits". You are expected to know Him so that you can be strong and be able to do many things in the business of the kingdom. Jesus said in John 17:3 "And this is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent". God in Lev 18:1 said to Moses "Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them I am the Lord your God". From Lev 18:1-4 God repeated it three times; "I am the Lord your God". In Isa.46:9b God said; "For I am God and there is none else. I am God and there is none like me". Isa 46:10 "Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure".

In Jer.32:27 the Lord said, "Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?” In Gen.17:1 the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him; "I am the Almighty God, walk before me and be thou perfect. I will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly.” In Matt.22:32 the Lord said, “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob". God is not the God of the dead but of the living. In Lev.11:44; the Lord said "For I am the Lord your God, ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves and ye shall be holy, for I am holy." In Rev.1:8 God said "I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

As mentioned above. God Himself made it known that He is Holy, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He will keep His covenant. He is the Almighty God. He is the Lord. He is a God of multiplication, that there is none like Him. He is the God of the living. He is the God of our ancestors. Nothing is too hard for him. He can do all things. He is perfect. With Him all things are possible. He is the creator and sustain er of every thing.

All the characteristics mentioned above are confirmed in the scriptures. Let us consider God in various ways:

God as the Creator:
He formed the Earth by His command. Going through Gen.1:1-31, from day one to six, God created the universe. In Gen.1:26 "He created man after His own image. He created heaven and earth. Thus the heaven and the earth were furnished and the entire host of them and on the seventh day He rested". God created everything in heaven and on earth, including you. Automatically He controls all things. He controls everything about you. He gave you dominion over all the things He created and prophesied multiplication unto you.

God as Love:
1st John 4:16 says "And we have known and believed the love that God hath for us. God is love". God demonstrated this in John 3:16 "For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. God loves you and I so much that he sent his son to us to reconcile us with him after Adam has fallen. Who else can show you this kind of love? It is unquantifiable. Apart from sending his son, He sent His word to be a lamb unto our feet and a light unto our path. The word is to guide you as a compass and all you need is in the word. In addition, He sent us the comforter, who is the Holy Spirit.

God as a generous giver:
In James 1:5 the Bible says “If any one of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him”. Also in Matt 7:7, the Bible says “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you”. In addition, Jer 33:3 says the Lord “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. This is the Lord you are serving, He asks you to ask, He says you should call on Him and He will answer you. This is an assurance for you that God is there for you all the time. Just call on Him. He is interested in the affairs of all His creatures particularly you.

He fights battles for you:
He is called the mighty warrior. He fought for King Jehoshaphat, He supported David against Goliath, He supported Gideon in battle, and He fought for the Israelites against king Pharaoh. Are you in to any battle? The mighty warrior is there for you.

He is a miracle working God:
The birth of Jesus Christ was a miracle. Parting the Red Sea for the Israelites was indeed a miracle. He is still performing miracles. He answers prayers. He answered Jabez (Isaiah 4:10), He answered Hannah.(1st Sam 1:20). He is ready to answer your own prayers too.

He is an ever present help in time trouble:
Psalm 4:1 says “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble”. For your sake He does not sleep. His eyes are moving to and fro, watching over you. He promised you long life in Psalm 91:16. He says whatever challenges you are passing through He is there with you. He promised He won’t leave you alone. He is ready to contend with whoever contends with you, to bless whoever blesses you and curse whoever curses you. What a caring and loving God!

In addition to the above, His mercy endures for ever. He is compassionate and slow to anger. He is your healer, provider, defender; He has chosen you and has given you the privilege to call Him father.

Your God is eternal, immortal, sinless, faithful, omnipotent and omniscient. That is your God. He is sufficient for you and His grace too is sufficient to see you through life. What God is cannot be exhausted. He does new things daily. He loads you daily with many benefits and blessings.

As you read the scriptures you will know Him more. The more of Him you know, the stronger you become and the more of His kingdom work you will be able to do. You should know your God very intimately. His power is in you. He is able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine.

I pray in Jesus name you will know Him the more, and you will harness all the capacity He has embedded in you; that God will reveal Himself to you so that you can know Him more and grant you the grace to appreciate Him the more. AMEN.

Friday, 15 April 2011


Text: Acts 7:54-60, 1 Cor 9:16-22, Daniel 3:1-30, Phil 3:7-9

Standing up for the gospel means holding out, defending and promoting the gospel; something that may be extraordinary, giving your ‘all’ in support of the doctrine/the truth/message of Christ and truth about Him.

Things to do can be in form of preaching, winning souls for Christ, holding on to faith, not compromising on truth, surrendering your life to Christ, or as it were, being in chains for the gospel, sacrificing your comfort in your effort to defend the gospel, and standing by faith no matter what.

Let us consider some examples of people in the Bible who had given much for the sake of the Gospel. People like Paul, Deacon Stephen, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Bishop Polycarp of Symrna and Bishop Ignatius of Antioch.

Paul said in 1 Cor 9:16, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel”. Paul believed he was discharging the trust committed to him and had to preach freely. He was committed to preaching freely, noting that not preaching could be a curse for him. Like Paul, what will you do for the sake of the Gospel? “Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone to win as many as possible. To the Jews I become like a Jew, to win the Jews”. In v22-23, “To the weak I become weak to win the weak; I do all this for the sake of the gospel”. Paul was able to adjust and come to the level of those he wanted to win for the sake of the gospel.

What are you ready to give in? There is blessing in doing that. The rich should be ready to associate with the poor for the sake of the gospel.
In Philemon 1:13, Paul said, “I am in chains for the gospel”. Paul was imprisoned, he served God with humility and in tears, yet he carried on. His being in chains advanced the gospel. What have you suffered for the gospel sake? Do not be discouraged. A crown awaits you.

In Phil 3:7-8, Paul said, “But whatever was to my profit, I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ”. Have you lost anything for Christ sake? Properties burnt? Persecuted? Lost job?, Denied promotion?, Imprisoned? Do not be discouraged. Everything is transient on earth; Heaven is home. Christ has gone to prepare a place for you.

In Daniel 3:1-30, King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold and instructed his people in Babylon to come and worship it. Anybody who did not worship it will be thrown into a blazing furnace. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the three men around did not worship the image. The king, furious with rage, ordered that they should be thrown into the blazing furnace seven times hotter than normal; the king then said in v15, “Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?” These three men held on to their faith and stood their ground for the sake of the gospel. In v16-17, they said, “O king, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter, if we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand. If He does not, we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up”.

The Lord saved them for they were not affected by the furnace. The king was amazed and baffled that they were not consumed. The king acknowledged the supremacy of their God and even decreed that nobody should say anything against the God of these three men. He later promoted them. He knew their God is the Most High God. If you stand out for the gospel as these men did, the Lord is ready to deliver, save and promote you. They were able to win over the king and his people to God’s side.

In Acts 7:54-60, Deacon Stephen was always following the disciples, sitting at their feet to learn about Christ. He was among the first seven deacons chosen by the disciples. He was full of the Holy Spirit and faith. He was falsely accused and testified against for witnessing for Christ. He was brought before the Sanhedrin and was stoned to death. While being stoned, Stephen said, “Look, I see heaven open and the son of man standing at the right hand of God.” In v59, He prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”. He fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”. Then he died. He suffered like Jesus and also prayed for his murderers. He was convinced that the gospel was worth dying for. Stephen’s death made a great impact on Paul who was to be the pillar of spreading the gospel to the gentiles as he witnessed participated the event. Hence Stephen became the first Christian martyr.

There may still be many ‘Sauls’ waiting for your involvement and actions in standing for the gospel to witness before they can become the ‘Pauls’ of our time. I pray the Lord will encourage you and fill you with His spirit.

There are other martyrs such as: Bishop Polycarp of Symrna, Bishop Cypian of the church in North Africa and Bishop Ignatius of Antioch.
The non-Christians referred to Bishop Polycarp as “destroyer of our gods” because he was teaching people not to sacrifice or worship the Emperor. He was always praying for Christians all over the world. But on his day of arrest, Herod persuaded him to deny Christ and that he should say ‘ Ceasar is Lord’ but he refused. When he was about to be burnt, Bishop Polycarp said, “Eighty and six years, Christ has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” “I am a Christian, and if you want to hear the doctrine of Christianity, appoint a day and you shall hear it”. After saying this, he was set ablaze but the fire did not consume him.

Bishop Ignatius of Antioch was thrown into the Lions’ den in about AD117 by Emperor Trojan because he pronounced that he had Christ. Some of those who watched him and listened to him before he was thrown to the Lions’ den were so much encouraged by his boldness and loyalty that they became Christians.

Bishop Cypian of the church in North Africa was beheaded because he proclaimed the name of Christ. Thomas J. Bowen from Southern American undertook the study of a Nigerian language to be able to preach when he came to Nigeria. He later wrote books on the language. This made his preaching easier.

Also for the sake of the gospel, Erasmus tried to encourage the sound teaching of the Bible and for availability of the scriptures in the people’s native language; he translated the whole Bible into Greek and the New Testament into German.
Martin Luther protested against the indulgencies in the church and he circulated his write-up titled, “The Just shall live by faith”. He did this for the sake of sound doctrine.

What are you busy doing? What role are you playing? Are you in a place where false doctrine is being preached? You must stand up for the gospel. Are you advertising Jesus? What are you known for?

Father in the name of Jesus, let me be filled with your spirit and be full of faith so that I can be bold and courageous enough to go all out for the sake of the gospel. Amen

Thursday, 31 March 2011


Text: 1st Samuel 2:2, 1st King 4:32, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16

Hymns are Christian songs of praise and they are offered to God. They are a veritable part of Christian worship. They are songs sang to praise and worship the Lord. Hymns result from divine inspiration just as the Scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Hymns writers have been inspired by God to write hymns suitable for every occasion and for every season, such as Easter, Christmas, Wedding, Naming Ceremonies, Church dedication, Funeral Ceremony and many other celebrations.

In the Early Church, singing hymns was very common. Then they had only old testament. Most times their teachings were rendered in music and hymns and it helped them a great deal. In Col 3:16, the Bible says “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God”. You are admonished to sing hymns unto the Lord. In Eph 5:19, the Bible says “Speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; sing and make music in your heart to the Lord”. You are to encourage other believers with hymns and by so doing you are ministering to them. Generally hymns have continued to minister to the need of millions, they are tools for comfort, inspiration, hope and even as instruction. They are sources of spiritual strength for the believers. They minister peace and encouragement to souls. They give required encouragement to people during tough times, the period of affliction and trials. In James 5:13, the Bible says “Is anyone one of you in trouble? He should pray; Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise”. Since hymns are songs of praise, we are encouraged to sing them.

Apart from being used to offer praise to God, to express gratitude and to appreciate God for great things He has done for us. Hymns are sang to express joy {James 5:13}. They were traditionally sang at the Passover meal as seen in Psalm 115-118. They also usher you to the presence of God anytime you sing them. Spend your pleasant time by singing hymns to God. I pray He gives you a new song. In Psalm 40:3, David said they are loaded with wonderful words of wisdom, full of messages and lessons to learn from each. They are relevant during house fellowship, prayer meetings, church services, Holy Communion Service and during Baptism. Every believer should cultivate the habit singing hymns.

When Jesus was going to the cross He sang a hymn. His disciples sang a hymn after they had the last supper with Him. This is to show you how useful and important hymns are.

Let us consider some of the people who have been inspired to sing hymns in the Bible.

David’s Psalm 23 inspired the hymn “The king of love my shepherd is”. His Psalm 61 which he wrote when he was forced to escape during the days of Absalom’s rebellion inspired hymn “Hiding in Thee” also his Psalm 103 which was God’s great love for us inspired hymn “ Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”. Psalm 18:3 is also David’s hymn “ I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy of praise and I am saved from my enemies”. He sang this hymn when the Lord delivered him from his enemies.

Moses ‘ Psalm 90 inspired hymn “O God our help in ages past”.

The sons of Korah’s Psalm 46 was written to appreciate God for being our refuge and strength and it inspired hymn “ A mighty Fortress is our God”. Also their Psalm 87 which looks ahead of the Holy City that is the New Jerusalem inspired hymn “Glorious Things of Thee are spoken”

Hannah in 1st Samuel 2:2 praised God with a hymn “There is no one Holy like the Lord”. When she was blessed with a son Samuel.

Mary mother of Jesus in Luke 1:46-55 rendered hymns called “The Magnificent” to glorify God for what the Lord was going to do for the world through her.

You too can sing hymns in anticipation of what God will do for you. The Bible tell us in 1st King 4:32 that Solomon songs numbered a thousand and five(1005) mostly in support of godly marriage.

Miriam in Ex 15:21 sang to the Lord when God gave Israelites victory over Pharaoh.

Deborah in Judges 5 together with Barak sang a victorious song when the Lord gave them victory over king Jabin of Canaan and Sisera his army leader.

In Luke 1:67-79, the song called “The Benedictus” was sang by Zachariah after months of silence when he had John the Baptist.

You can cultivate the habit of rendering hymns to the Lord. They lift up the spirit and usher you to the presence of God

Fanny J. Crosby, despite the fact that she was blind was inspired to write many hymns. Among the hymns she wrote are;

  • “Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine”
  • “I am thine o Lord”
  • “Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour”
  • “To God Be The Glory”

All over the world believers are singing Fanny Crosby’s hymns and many other hymns.

Note that when you and I leave this world and make it to heaven, the only thing we shall be doing is to join the saints and the angels to be worshipping and praising God with hymn.

Collection of hymns are made in to Hymnal books like The Baptist Hymnal¸ The Redeemed Hymnal and many other hymnals. Hymn books are companion to the Bible.

Add yours to these hymns. You will be richly blessed as you do so.


Father, give me a new song in Jesus’ name I pray.

Lord inspire me to sing appropriate hymns in whatever circumstances, so that my heart can be at tune with you and I can enjoy your peace and give glory to you in Jesus’ name. AMEN

Monday, 21 March 2011

Leadership As Exemplified in The Bible

John 10:11, Judges 4, Esther 4, 2 Chronicles 1:7-11

Leadership is the position of being the head of a group, organisation or a community. Leadership is a position of responsibility for guidance, direction, inspiration, knowledge and management. It is also a position of focus as an example for others to see and follow. Leadership can be in various capacities: spiritual, family, professional, community, organisation, political and national. Basic components of leadership are the leader and the position.

Certain qualities are expected of a leader:
  • A leader must be bold and courageous.
  • A leader must be disciplined, visionary, transparent, knowledgeable, upright, God-fearing, must have integrity, have initiative, be compassionate, have wisdom, must be encouraging the followers, and responding to the needs of his or her followers.
  • For church leadership in addition to the above, the leader must be spirit filled and must always allow the Holy Spirit to guide him and seek divine wisdom and knowledge to lead his people.
  • A leader must be ready to train those below him to the position of leadership so that there can be continuity in the position.
  • A leader must live by example.
  • A leader is a also a Shepherd and he must cater for his sheep and protect them from any wolf.

Choice of Leadership
Leadership position should not be scrambled for. Track record of the person must be considered. Experience and qualification as related to the position must also be considered.

For spiritual or church leadership the position should not be attained through voting. People to elect leaders must seek the face of the Lord and let the Holy Spirit direct them. It must not be influenced. The nature of service to be rendered must be considered and acquisition of skills relating to the position must be considered.

Our Lord Jesus Christ chose His disciples and He taught them how to disciple others. Peter and Andrew were already fishing when Jesus said He would make them fishers of men. When Jesus said "harvest is plenty but the workers are few, he did not mean there were no human beings around but people for the leadership position are few.

Let us consider some examples of leadership in the Bible.

Esther's Leadership
Esther, a Jew, was King Xerxes' queen. Mordecai, Esther's uncle was plotted against by Haman. Mordecai sent to Esther in the palace for help to intervene, so that he would not be killed and the Jews would not perish. Queen Esther had to see the King, but it was not customary then to see the King except the Kings sends for one. The penalty was death if the King did not send for one and one went. But Esther demonstrated a good leadership by declaring a fast for three days for her people and herself. She said in Ester 4:16, "When this is done, I will go to the King, even though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish". She demonstrated exemplary courage, driven by great compassion for her people. She did the unusual.

Esther was ready to lay down her life to save her people. She was a good leader, for she was ready to die for her sheep. This is exactly what Jesus did for you and I. He laid down His life. Esther did not mind the cost. What a great leader! What a leadership!!

Deborah's Leadership
In Judges 4. The Lord delivered the Israelites into the hand of King Jabin of Canaan because of the evil they did and they were to go to war. Deborah a judge and prophetess was leading Israel then. Sisera was the army leader for Canaan while Barak was the army leader of Israel. Deborah informed Barak in Judges 4:6, "The Lord commands you, "go take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor". But Barak said to Deborah in Judges 4:8, "If you go with me, I will go, but if you do not go with me, I will not go".

Deborah said in Judges 4:9, "Very well, I will go with you, but because of the way you are going about this, the honour will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman". Deborah was patriotic and she demonstrated and exemplary character of good leadership. She did not have to follow Barak to the war front. But for the sake of Isrealites she did. She was a role model and a committed leader. She has all the leadership qualities. How I wish our today's leaders could emulated Deborah.

Jehoshaphat's Leadership
In 2nd Chronicles 20:1-23. Three nations were against King Jehoshaphat and they came to war with him. In 20:3, "Jehoshaphat resolved to enquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah". Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem at the Temple of the Lord. They came together to seek help from the Lord in front of the new courtyard. He went there to honour God and sought His face. Of course, God gave him victory.

The lesson to learn from here is that he led his people to God to seek the face of God. Leaders should learn from Jehoshaphat's leadership by seeking God's face. He did not rush to acquire arms and ammunition. He did not waste his country's resources on arms to fight the war. He acknowledged God by saying "power and might are in God's hand and no one can withstand you".

Leadership that does not recognise the presence and awesomeness of God can not succeed. Good leadership includes seeking the face of the Lord for guidance and direction.

Solomon's Leadership
In 2nd Chronicles 1:7-11. When Solomon became King, God gave him the opportunity to ask for whatever he wanted in a dream. Solomon in v9 said, "Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead these people". God gave him what he requested and added wealth, riches and honour unto him. God acknowledged that Solomon did not request for personal and selfish things.

How great and wonderful would it be if national, community, organisation, spiritual and family leaders could ask God for wisdom and knowledge to rule their people and do what is right. He asked for what would make him do the right thing and it was given to him.

Jesus Leadership
Jesus surrendered Himself unto death for the sake of mankind. In John 10:11, Jesus said. "I am the good Shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep". Jesus was so much concerned about His sheep/followers that in John 21:15-17, He instructed Peter thrice to feed His lamb. "Feed my lambs", "Take care of my sheep", "Feed my sheep" if you love me.

Jesus in John 13:4-5 washed His disciples' feet and dried them. Jesus demonstrated extreme humility and that to be a leader; a person must be a servant. Leadership is about serving others. He led by example. He wanted them to continue after he might have gone back to His father. Leaders should train up followers to be leaders after them, be ready to serve and should live by example.

Having gone through the leadership examples of Jesus, Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Deborah and Esther, and seeing how successful they led, you should emulate them. Either a spiritual, community, national, family or church leader, they are worthy of emulation.

Biblical principles of leadership such as courage, selflessness, compassion, seeking of divine wisdom and guidance at all times should underpin and form of leadership. Be it leadership of the family, organisation, community or country.

The world is in need of good governance and good leadership at all levels and in all spheres of live.

Church leaders should take note of the following;
  • You must have a call from God
  • Be filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Be ready to train for leadership position to acquire the necessary skills
  • Leaders must be prayed for
  • The sin of a leader can bring judgement to the followers

Father in the name Jesus, give us leaders after your own heart.
Give us leaders who will put you first, seek your face and ask for wisdom and knowledge to be able to do what is right. AMEN