
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010



Texts: John 16:7-15, Act 4:29-33, Eph 1:13-14

In addition to being born again, knowing the word and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, believers must have the Holy Spirit indwelling in them. They should know about him and receive his Baptism as well.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is otherwise known as the Comforter. He has the attributes of God. When Jesus was going to his father, He promised every believer the comforter. John 16:7.

You are admonished to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Eph 5:18. It is the Spirit of the truth.

Why you must have the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit:

* Helps your hope to grow in his power and gives you boldness to do exploits. Act 4: 29

* Bestows different gifts in you and makes you a useful vessel unto honour

* Empowers you to have a Godly life and makes your worship to be truly Christian. It empowers you for effective and efficient Christian service

* Opens your spiritual eyes and enables you to be sensitive to your sins. Gal 5:25

* Comforts you in times of trials, and enlightens you in times of confusion

* Intercedes for you with groans that prayers and words cannot express, and does so in accordance to God’s will

* Tells you what is yet to come and launches you into the realm of the miraculous.

* Makes life more comfortable and profitable for you and even enable you do greater works for the Lord as Jesus prophesised in John 14:12.

What the Holy Spirit does are so numerous. Hence I consider it the best gift all believers should have.

If the president of your country or anybody should ask you to choose a gift or make some requests, many people would ask for millions of pounds sterling or dollars, airbuses, yachts, or estates in the world’s famous cities. All these are perishable. However, the Holy Spirit is permanent and endures throughout your life time.

The Holy Spirit in you marked you with Seal and this guarantees your inheritance. Eph 1:13-14.

You will be able to worship in truth and in Spirit, and enjoy the fruits and the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. These nine gifts are evidence of a spirit filled life, they are united to make you a child of God, and live a Christ-like life. Note that to be Christ-like is one of the major reasons why you are a Christian. If the Holy Spirit will enable you to achieve this, it is then the best gift you can ever have.

No believer, minister or ministry can survive without the Holy Spirit. If you want to survive, you need the Holy Spirit. Stephen the Martyr, in Act 7:51, testified to the fact that men do resist the Holy Spirit to their own peril and eternal damnation. May you not be condemned eternally. I am sure you want to survive and you do not want to be condemned.

To have the Holy Spirit, You must:

* Be a born again Christian

* Have a repentant and pure heart

* An undefiled body

* Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour

If you already have him, you have to make sure you retain him, and not grieve him. The Lord will help you to have him and to retain him in Jesus name.

Finally, when the Holy Spirit is indwelling in you, you have the grace to be baptised by Him. You can also confidently and boldly say as in 1st John 4:4, “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world”. Do not forget that the Holy Spirit in you marked you with Seal and this guarantees your inheritance.

It is the best gift you could ever have. “Ask for it and it shall be given unto you”. John 14:14, Matt 7:7.


Father, in Jesus name, I desire the Holy Spirit. Fill me with Him today and grant me the grace to retain him. Amen.

Saturday, 18 December 2010



Text: Gen 18; 1 - 20, Gen 19; 12 – 17, Judges 6; 11 – 40.

Divine visitation is a visit from God. It is a visit from above. The visit is usually brief and for a specific purpose. God can visit you or you can initiate God’s visit.

I will start by discussing some people God visited in the Bible, such as; Abraham, Lot, and Gideon.

Divine Visitation to Abraham

Gen 18; 1 – 11. “The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre.”

Gen 18; 10. Then the Lord said “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.”

The Lord visited Abraham through the three Angels. Abraham was very hospitable to them, and he entertained them. With this visitation, a message of hope was brought to Abraham and Sarah his wife. The message was that they would have a child in a year’s time. Additionally, during this visitation, God revealed his plan for Sodom to Abraham. Furthermore, God reassured Abraham that He had chosen him, and that he would be great.

When God visits, sorrow, despair, anxiety, and hopelessness will disappear. As God visited Abraham and Sarah, He can visit you with good tidings. God shall visit you; sorrow, anxiety, and hopelessness will disappear from your life in Jesus name.

Divine Visitation to Lot

Gen 19; 12. The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here; sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here,” v13 “because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that He has sent us to destroy it.”

God did not want Lot destroyed, so he had mercy on him and his daughters. God can save you from calamity and destruction. When you are visited and such warnings are given, do not hesitate and do not allow the worldly cares and materials to hinder you.

You shall not be consumed in Jesus name, Amen. Lot was also hospitable to the two men sent by God. When a place becomes chaotic and unsafe, God can remove and relocate you.

Divine Visitation to Gideon

Judges 6; 12. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon he said; “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” V14; “The Lord turned to him and said, Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”

When God visits you, encouragement will come and you will be lifted up. You will have assurance and confidence to move since instruction will be coming from above, you will do things according to His perfect will.

God that visited Gideon for support, reassurance, encouragement, guidance, and direction can still do same for you.

Remember that I said earlier that you can initiate Divine Visitation. How?

  • By intense worship
  • By offering quality praise

If you want Divine Visitation, YOU MUST:

  1. Harbour no sin
  2. Live a life of holiness
  3. Offer quality praise
  4. Worship God intensely


Father, in the name of Jesus, I want you to visit me as you visited Abraham, Lot and Gideon. I want good tidings as well. Let me have this experience. Thank you Daddy. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

At the Appointed Time

Text: Gen 29:21-26, Exo 12:31-32, Ecc 3:1-8

The appointed time is the time chosen or ordained by God to make something(s) happen.

The Bible says in Ecc 3:1, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". God has timing for everything, there is time to cast away and time to gather, time to mourn and time to dance, time to plant and time to harvest, time to marry and time to reproduce, time for winter and time for summer. As flesh, you want to achieve your desired goals as quickly as possible, always in a hurry. You want answers to your prayers as quickly as possible. But our God is a God of order and He has his own timing. Hence Ecc 3:1 reminds you that there is a time to every purpose.

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit which a christian must exhibit is longsuffering or perseverance. That is learning to wait patiently on God, wait for the appointed time for things to happen.

What are you waiting on the Lord for? Do you think He is not listening or hearing your request? That thing will surely come in Jesus name. Is it promotion? Fruit of the womb? Life partner? Admission to tertiary institution? Job? Healing? VISA to other country? Breakthrough? Freedom from bondage? Building a property? Surely, it will come. God is saying persevere a little bit - wait patiently on Him.

In Gen 29:21-26, Jacob had to serve Laban for another seven years to be able to have Rachel as wife. Because Rachel was his heart desire, he served another seven years to have her. Have you waited for so long? Jacob did so for seven years. For how long have you been waiting? Surely, you will get it at the appointed time.

In Exo 12:31-32,  "Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron by night, and said rise up, and go forth from among my people both you and the children of Israel, and go serve the Lord as you have said. Also take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone and bless me also".
At the appointed time, God allowed Pharaoh's strength to fade away and the Israelites who had been in bondage for about four hundred years got freedom. Are you in bondage? Are you oppressed? The Lord that delivered the Israelites from king Pharaoh will surely deliver you in Jesus name. Just be patient and wait on Him. The same Pharaoh who put them under bondage asked them to bless him after he had released them meaning it was the appointed time for the Israelites to get freedom. Do not be frustrated by any event. You shall be set free in Jesus name.

In Matt 3:16-18, the Bible tells us that the heaven that was closed for several years opened on the day Jesus got baptised by John the Baptist. Perhaps God was waiting for His son to be baptised before he could open the heavens and send His word. In Matt 3:17, "And lo a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased". For you to get that thing that you desire, God may just be waiting for an event to preceed it. Why don't you persevere, wait a little longer. It shall surely come, you will surely have it. Note that you can not help God to do what he alone can do. He does not want anybody to share His glory with Him.

Sarai in Gen 16:1 thought she could help God by getting Abram a child, she advised Abram to go into Hagar, her handmaid and Abram went into Hagar and the product was Ishmael. The outcome of this was not pleasant for Sarai and even the prophecy concerning the product in Gen 16:12 was that Ishmael would be a wild man and his hand will be against every man.

Whatever you are expecting God to do for you, persevere and at His own appointed time He will do it. Do you know that when a fruit matures naturally on a tree, it drops effortlessly. Every perfect gift comes from God and He does not add sorrow to it.

  • There is time for everything
  • God has its own timing
  • Wait patiently on the Lord for whatever you need or want
  • You can not help God to do what he alone can do
  • He does not add sorrow to whatever He gives you

Lord, give me the grace to be able to wait on you. All that I need your hand hath provided, grant me the spirit of longsuffering and perseverance to be able to wait and receive my needs in Jesus name I pray. AMEN

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Overcoming Challenges

Text: Isa 43:2, Luke 1:37, 2 Cor 12:9, Phil 4:13

To overcome is to render incapable or powerless by laughter, sorrow or exhaustion. It is to be victorious in a conflict; to surmount obstacles; to be victorious. Challenges provoke the exercise or test of one's strength, skills, abilities or faith. Overcoming challenges is to be victorious over those things testing one's strength, skills, abilities or faith.

There are different kinds of challenges and they may be physical, intellectual, spiritual, mental, social or financial. People go through different forms. Examples of challenges include:
  • Having to cope with life threatening illnesses
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Lack or loss of employment
  • Waiting on the Lord for something like the fruit of the womb
  • Coping with old age
  • Life after retirement
  • Choosing a life partner
  • Marital issues
  • Choosing right in conflicting matters and everyday challenge
  • Living a life of holiness in a perverse and corrupt society as ours
All these are great challenges that must be overcome. Definitely, there will be challenges. Challenges can make or mar you depending on the way and how you handle them. Challenges can even change your destiny. God knew that challenges are bound to come in our lives hence in Isa 43: 2, the Bible says "when you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze".

God is assuring you of his presence, He says you should not fear, you are His, you belong to Him. Whatever challenges you have, God is greater than them. He is in control. He has solutions to all problems and keys to all doors. In Luke 1:37, the Bible says "for nothing is impossible with

To overcome every challenge, you need divine guidance, applying the word and believing God for His promises. What are your challenges? They should not diminish your faith. Do not focus on them but focus on God.

David in 1 Samuel17:45 did not focus on Goliath the Philistine who come to attack him. In spite of David's small stature compared with the hugeness of Goliath. David said, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel". David overcame because he focused on God and God backed him up.

Is there any Goliath in your life? You will overcome it in Jesus name. Apostle Paul has a thorn in his flesh but he kept on forging ahead with his gospel assignment. Despite the ill health and pressures from people and unbelievers around, God assured him in 2 Cor 12:9, "But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in weakness". He is saying that when your challenges seem overwhelming, that your little strength when connected to Jesus is more than sufficient for you in all things.

In John 6:11-13, there was a challenge of having to feed a multitude who had been congregating with Jesus for days. The Lord fed five thousand people with only two fishes and five loaves of bread and after, twelve baskets were left over. In Matt 9:20-22, the Lord healed the woman with the issue of blood after suffering for twelve years. You too can be healed and restored. In Mark 10:46-52, Blind Bartimaeus got his sight when he had an encounter with Jesus.

Gen 21:1-2, the Lord blessed Sarah with the fruit of the womb at age ninety and this same God is still alive. Is there anything that has remained an unremitting challenge to you? God is able.
In 1 Ch 4:10, God changed the story of Jabez from sorrow to joy.
In John 11:43, the Lord raised up Lazarus who seemingly had been overcome as he was already dead. Do you think you have been overcome by any challenge? Forget it. You can still overcome and be on top of it!

In Est 2:17, the Lord changed the status of Esther from a slave girl to a queen. In Gen 41:46, the Lord blessed Joseph in a foreign land and he rose from the position of a slave boy to become a governor.

God can move you to any height. What position are you eyeing? You can be elevated.
2 Chr 20:15-25, God gave Jehoshaphat victory over the three nations that rose against him. God can subdue your enemy.
In Exo 14:21-23, the Lord dried the red sea for the Israelites to pass for safety against their enemies. God can deliver you from oppressors.
In Gen 17:5-8, the Lord blessed Abraham more than he could imagine. He provided ransom for Abraham to replace Isaac whom he wanted to slaughter in Gen 22:13. God can do this for you as well.
In Gen 7:1-24, the Lord saved Noah and his family members with some animals during the flood that he used to destroy the earth. In all calamities, he can safe you.
In Ruth 4:9-16, the Lord provided succour for Ruth and Naomi miraculously through Boaz.
In any way, God can provide for you and meet your need. What are your challenges? God is greater than them. You must familiarize yourself with the word of God.

Eph 3:20 says "Now to him who is able to do something more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, and Phil 4:13 says "I can do everything through him who gives me strength". God gives you strength to do whatever you need to do and He will continue to strengthen you and make you be victorious and to overcome.

Another great challenge to overcome is to choose whom you will serve. Deut 30:19 says, "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before your life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live". The Lord is your life. Choose God and not Satan. If you want to live, choose God. I want you to know you cannot live in isolation, people will entice you into sin. But anytime you are being enticed, remember the word of God. Prov 1:10 says, "My son if sinners entice thee, do not give in to them". In Gen 39:7-12, Joseph overcame enticement from Potiphar's wife. You can overcome even greater enticements. I am reminding you to note that these challenges may come in diverse ways, they are temporary, remember the word of God and rest on his promises. Focus on Him and not on the challenges. With Him all things are possible, all mountains are surmountable, he can do more than you ever imagine. He is very faithful and He is always playing His role.To overcome challenges play your own role too. It may well be that the role to play is:
  • To live a life of holiness
  • To choose Him and not Satan
  • To seek Him diligently without wavering and
  • To persevere
  • To put Him first in decision making
  • To believe His word and live it

Romans 8:37 says, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us". You will overcome in Jesus name.

Lord, I know and I believe that with you all things are possible. Grant me the strength, the grace and all the support to be able to focus on you and not on the challenges, so that I can overcome whatever challenges I have in Jesus name I pray. (AMEN).

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Am I still standing?

1st Cor. 10:12, 2nd Cor 13:5, Lam 3:40

This question can also be put as: 
  • Am I still in Christ?
  • Am I in the faith?
  • Are my feet on the rock?
  • Am I living the word?
  • Am I walking in His ways?
The bible says in 1 cor 10:12 "so if you think you are standing firm be careful that you do not fall".

Every believer should be asking himself or herself this question from time to time. It is a form of self-assessment. If this question is truly and sincerely answered, it is very helpful and instructive. So be true and sincere to yourself. The bible says in Lam 3:4, "let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord". Paul in 2 Cor 13:5 says "examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves". To be able to answer this question one needs a self assessment and you are in the best position to examine yourself and your way of life. Other people can judge you by outward appearance but you know what things you do that are hidden from others even the closet person to you.

The bible says in Ps 139:23-24 "Search me, o God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the everlasting". Therefore, to ensure that you are still standing and in faith, you should seek that God search you. If you are searched and you are being chastised, count it all joy and be ready to endure it. Heb 12:5-6 says "and you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "my son, do not make light of the Lord's disciplines, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son".
If you claim to be His child, you have to endure chastisement. God chastises you so as to prevent you from perishing with the world. So that you can stand and be able to withstand the evil intrigues of the devil. Devil does not want you to stand but fall. You have to resist it (James 4:7). In Jesus's name you will not fall. Amen

Do not use the world's standard to assess yourself. The world is full of enticements and everyday one is confronted with challenges and temptations of all kinds. The only way of escape is to ask God to help crucify your worldly interests especially in things that won't make you stand and allow you to be in the faith. You may be backsliding and not be sensitive to it. Hence, this sermon is necessary to remind you of self-examination and to ask God to search you.

If you have not been standing, if your faith is shaking, ask God for His grace and I am sure His grace will be sufficient for you.
If you have been standing, and you are falling due to besetting sins, ask God for His grace too.
If you are living in sin and you are comfortable you may be heading for an irredeemable destruction.
If you sin and you are not pricked or agitated about it, it means your heart has been hardened.
Paul warned in 2 Tim 4:4, "And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables". May you not be among those who will turn away from the truth. 

You are standing if:
  • You are living by the word. A life of holiness and total obedience.
  • You obey all the commandments and keep His statutes; if you put your trust in Him
  • You love God with all your heart and walk in His ways.

Prayer: O Lord, grant me the grace in Jesus name to be able to walk in your way, to be in the faith and be able to stand on the rock throughout my life time. AMEN

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Empowered to Excel

Phil 2:9-11, Phil 14:8

To be empowered is to be authorised to do something, to have the ability or potential or grace to do something. To excel is to have an outstanding ability to outshine others, to always set the pace for others to follow. Therefore, to be "empowered to excel" means having the ability to outshine others.

The Omnipotent God is the one that empowers people to excel. In what can we excel?
Phil4:8. We can excel in truth, honesty, justice, purity, love, good report, virtue, good works, worship, praise, prayer, giving, leadership, preaching, holiness, caring, humility, loyalty, offerings, research and discoveries. We can academically, financially, morally and in all spheres of life. Our Lord Jesus Christ was given an excellent name.

Phil 2:9-11. The Bible says, "therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father".

Jesus excels in all things. He is the only begotten son of God. The first to die and to resurrect. He loves us so much that he died for us. He excels in preaching, healing, teaching, humility and in doing good. Despite all these, Jesus encourages us in John 14:12-13 by saying "I tell you the truth; any one who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father"; with this he has assured and empowered us to do outstanding things. You can excel in preaching, humility and also in doing good and all that is in the second paragraph.

In the bible, people like Abraham, Daniel, David, Paul, Ruth and many others have excelled in one way or the other. Let us consider the five people listed above.

Abraham, also known as Father of Faith, excelled in Obedience
God instructed him at age seventy five (75) to move out of the country, from his kindred and from his fathers house. The bible tells us in Gen 12:4 "So Abram left as the Lord had told him". In Gen 17:27, In obedience to Lord's instruction he was circumcised at age ninety (90) the same day with his son Ishmael at age thirty (30). In Gen 22:9-10, "He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar on top of the wood, then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son". Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God's instruction. He also walked with God and God blessed him and his blessings were also outstanding. You too can excel in obedience.

Daniel excelled in purity
In Daniel 1:8, despite the kings meat and wine which were so nourishing, Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat nor with the wine. Because he was outstanding in purity by not defiling himself God gave him knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom and had understanding of all various and dreams. He was ten times better than his peers. In Daniel 3:6, the Bible tells that he was preferred above the president and princes because excellent spirit was in him and the king sought to set him over the whole realm. He was also so faithful that no error was found with him. You too can prevent anything that will defile you and see what the Lord will do for you.

David Excelled In Praises
David gave himself to praising God all the time. He placed his complete confidence in God. He wrote seventy five psalms. He engaged in praise until he became a man after God's heart. In Psalm 23:6, He said "I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever". In Psalm 18:1, He said, "I love you, O Lord my strength". He acknowledged God as his rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, the rock of his salvation. He said God is worthy of praise.

In Psalm 10:5, He encouraged us to give thanks to the Lord and to make his deeds known among nations and we should remember the wonders he has done. In Psalm 139:14, David said, "I will praise thee" . In Psalm 139:17, "How precious to me are your thoughts Oh God, how vast is the sum of them". Remember, God inhabits the praises of his people. You can excel in praising God. It is also an art of worship.

Paul Excelled In Total Submission
Paul after conversion lived a life that excelled in total submission. He wrote so many letters to churches. Even while in prison he was still encouraging people in Christ. He taught believers how to live for Christ in a corrupt society. He proclaimed Christ. In actual fact he wanted to be Christ-like in everything. He made converts, made many missionary trips; established churches and thousands were brought to Christ through him. In 1Tim 3:1-10, He listed specific criteria for each office. Roles of overseers, deacons and church leaders. In 1Tim 4:12, he wrote to encourage Timothy to forge ahead. He said in 1Phil 16:15 "woe unto me if I preach not the gospel". In Phil 3:2-8, He said all he had gained he counted them loss for the sake of Christ.
He lived for Christ and for the gospel.

Paul has an excellent departure and he said in 2Tim 4:6-8, "for I am already being poured out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race: I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me, the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will award to me on that day only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing".

You can live for Christ and the gospel. If you excel in this, surely You will have an excellent departure.

Ruth excelled in Love and Loyalty
Despite the fact that the world around her was collapsing, she had no child when she lost her husband and her brother in law and there was no hope of another husband, yet in Ruth 1:4, she clung to Naomi, her mother in-law. Despite the fact that Naomi insisted she must go back to her people and her gods, in Ruth 1:16 "but Ruth replied, don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you, where you go I will go, and where you die I will die, and there I will be buried; may the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me".

Ruth excelled in loyalty and love. No wonder God was kind and faithful to her. God also cared and protected her. Through her marriage to Boaz, she became the great grandmother of David. Their offspring continued the family line through which the Messiah come into the world.

When the world around you seems to be collapsing will you remain loyal and loving? Yes, You can!

Lord, I know you have deposited a lot in me, you have endowed and empowered me to excel. Grant me the grace despite all odds to be able to excel in them. In Jesus I pray (AMEN).

Friday, 24 September 2010

Christian Home

Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 29:17, Ephesians 5:22-26, Ephesians 6:1-6, Colossians 3:18, Colossians 4:1, 1st Peter 3:6, 1st John 4:7.

A christian home is a place where husband and wife live with their children and sometimes without children. A christian home is where Bible is loved and taught, where the master's will is sought, where the husband/father as the head of the home is true and strong; where the wife/mother is loving, caring and submissive; where the children are led to know Christ; where the family altar fire burns and glows; where the Lord is honoured and served; where the children obey their parents. Every couple should desire a Christian home.

After wedding, husband and wife begin to live together as one in peace, harmony and unity. They need wisdom, understanding, perseverance and unconditional love for the home to stand. God should be number one in such a home; things must be done together, decision must be taken together and there should be no room for falsehood. Since a home is made of members and each member has roles to play.

I will highlight some of the roles of each member:

The husband, also as father and as head (Ephesians 5:23): he is the physical head of the family. He should love his wife as Jesus loves the church. (Ephesian 5:25). Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself to it. 1st Peter 3:7. Ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered. Love your wife as you love your own body and love unconditionally. Ephesians 5:28-29.

As a father (Ephesians 6:4); ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the fear of the Lord. As a master, if you have servants (Corinthians 4:1): give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a master in heaven. Do not maltreat your servants, pay their wages on time.

Ephesians 5:22-25. Submit yourself unto your own husband as unto the Lord; therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Wives, submit yourself unto your own husband, as it is fit in the Lord (1 Peter 3:6a) even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters ye are (Prov 4:1). Every wise woman buildeth her house but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. So be a wise woman. You should do your husband good not evil. If you are submissive and obedient, your husband will have confidence in you.

A wife is a mother to her children, boosts the morale of her children and develops intimacy with them. She also plays the role of a counselor to them. She manages the family finances, supervises the growth of her children. She speaks with wisdom, she is not idle; she has self control and fears the Lord. When you are loaded with all these good virtues, you are priceless.

It is the responsibility of parents to train up their children in the way of the Lord so that when they are old, they will not depart from it: correct them, and they shall give thee rest and give delight unto your soul.

Ephesians 6:1-3. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise, that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth. (Colossians 3:18).

Children should note this, that disobedience and dishonouring parents are not of God. Obey elders as you do to your parents, give respect to them and obey the laws and rules of the land as well. Be a source of joy to your parents. You are part of the success story of a home. So play your own part. Do not forget that whatever you sow, you shall reap. A child today is a mother or father tomorrow. Be a kingdom child. You are not a product of mistake but a child of destiny.

Ephesians 6:5-6). Servants/stewards are to be obedient to their masters. Do your work as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. Avoid eye service and note that whatsoever good thing you do, the same you will receive of the Lord. A servant today may become a master tomorrow.

Every member in the home must show love all the time. 1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God, and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.

In case there is a delay of fruit of the womb, it may be a test of your faith. But do not forget Sarah and Hannah had same and God eventually opened their wombs. Hannah prayed, so you too can do same. In case the children are of the same sex, you should not hold your spouse responsible. God gives what you need. Be grateful to Him for the gift. The most important thing is to bring them up in the way of the Lord.

As you grow old as husband and wife, there will be changes due to old age. Beauty will be fading, strength of the man or woman wanes with time, appetite changes considerably, sexual excitement may reduce, children will be moving out to start their own family life. You should be prepared to adapt to the changes. A happy christian home is a product of the contribution of all the members of the family. Play your own part very well.

The home should be a place of shelter for the members of the family, where each member will love and be willing to come back to. Sow the seed of prayer into your life and that of the children. Control the affairs of your home with prayers.

May the Lord grant you the grace to love as Jesus loves the church. May He endow you with wisdom and knowledge you need to be able to accommodate other members to build a truly Christian home in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, 13 September 2010

Christian Marriage

Part B Relationship In Marriage

Gen 2:24, Gen 24:53-54, Heb 13:4, 1 John 4:11

Part A of this sermon ended with discussion on courtship while this part B examines relationship in marriage. As you get along with courtship don't relax, avoid spiritual laziness, still pray and seek the face of the Lord. Avoid pre-marital sex, don't allow it to erode your marriage. Don't allow sin to hinder it. I believe God is already guiding you as discussed in part A. Spend your bachelorhood or spinsterhood in glorifying God.

Marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled, Heb 13:4. It is the responsibility of a man in particular to have a sound source of livelihood. For ladies, don't be too desperate to bear the title "Mrs". You need the wisdom of God at each step.

The courtship period is to study each other very well. You can not depend on your own intelligence. You need the wisdom of God to overcome the challenges. The key to a successful marriage is love. 1 John 4:11. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another". Delving into it without God is testament to failure, what follows courtship are introduction, engagement and wedding. There will be exchange of gifts from groom's and bride's family. But it has to be done in moderation and in proportion. Gen 24:53, Gen 43:11. Culture and customs that are contrary to the Holy Scriptures must be discarded. Don't overspend, don't borrow and dress moderately. For the wedding, you need to file a notice. There should be no secrecy about it. Parents of both partners, the church and your pastors must be involved. Wedding is for one day, there could be merry making. Gen 24:54 "And they eat and drink, he and the men that were with him, and tarried all night". Bride's dress must be honourable to cover the vital parts of the body and so also ladies partaking in the wedding ceremony must dress well.

Marriage is for better for worse. Before the bride or groom says I do to the wedding vow, everything about each other must be considered. Our Lord has guaranteed us a blissful life in marriage when he pronounced blessing upon the first wedding Gen 1:28. It is until death do you part, no divorce. When you vow to cleave, Gen 2:24, to your spouse, it means you will not engage in any extra-marital relationship forthwith. Anything outside this brings shame and dishonour to the relationship. When the father or a representative of the father of the woman steps out to give away the woman over to the priest, it means under no circumstance should the parent give the bride to another man. When the priest as a representative of God hands over the woman (bride) to the man (groom), it means everything done at this point of solemnisation of marriage sacrament is awesome and sacred. Whatever God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

The wedding vow is taken, the certificate is signed at the priest pronounces them as husband and wife. The wedding blessings are pronounced and prayers are offered. After the wedding ceremony, the newly wed have the right to live together as husband and wife. A happily married minister can advice on how to live in harmony and peace to have a successful marriage. A marriage counselor should take them through sex education.

Marriage is sacred and awesome. It is your responsibility to make sure that your marriage is successful. Marriage relationship is superior to any other relationship. Ideally couple should live alone, they should not live with their parents. It is not ideal too, for parents or parents-in-law to live with couple. However, if a parent-in-law comes to help nurse a baby, it does not mean the parents should not be taken care of especially when they are sick. Matt 8:14-15. You should make provision for aged parents.

A partner should be able to adjust in the areas of language, food, clothing and greetings. However, any cultural heritage or custom that contradicts the christian principle of marriage should be utterly discarded. A woman should be respectful, amiable, generous, hospitable and caring to the members of the extended family. There must be communication between husband and wife. Talking with point and purpose is an essential ingredient of effective communication. Talking, listening and understanding are very important. Couple must be speaking the truth in love. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth to one another. You must avoid filthy language. Kind and persuasive words and loving sentences and phrases should come from couples. These include "thank you darling", "it shall be well with you", "I love you honey", "we shall make it in Jesus name", "I am sorry dear"- when you need to apologise. I suggest we do this or that should be heard in a christian home. Not command like you must do this or that. Don't forget that when you make a vow to cleave and become one, part of the husband's body belongs to the wife and part of the wife's body belongs to the husband. You should not deny yourself of the part.

For decision making, even though the husband is the head, the woman should be given an opportunity to have a say in matters affecting the entire family. As you get along in marriage, you will be discovering your weaknesses or your limitations but don't forget that only God is perfect and we are all working towards perfection. Help each other in prayers, study the word together and live it. A family that prays together lives and stays together. Have a family altar, grow and develop spiritually. Never you make your spouse feel inferior or inadequate. Bring up yourself to the desired level you want educationally, socially and spiritually. It is advisable you empower each other with guidance of Holy Spirit. Correct in love and appreciate the good things in each other.

All habits may not be discovered during courtship, hence you need love and understanding. E.g. snoring is a habit and you may not discover until you start to live and sleep together. Don't capitalise on each other's weakness.

To be able to live together happily and successfully you need love, understanding, tact, tolerance and perseverance. Each spouse needs to adjust physically, emotionally and psychologically.

May your marriage be blissful. May the Lord increase you in all size. May He grant you peace that passeth all understanding and prosper the work of your hand in Jesus name. Amen

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Christian Marriage

Part A - Choosing the Right Partner

Gen 1: 28, Gen 2: 18, 1 Cor 7:1-9, 2 Cor 6:14-16

Marriage is the state of relationship of being husband and wife. It is meant to be between two opposite sex of male and female. God gave us an example by creating Eve a female and Adam a male. Marriage is an institution ordained by God and it is as old as the garden of Eden. It is a life-long union of a man and a woman who give themselves to each other in love and trust.

Jesus Christ honoured marriage and that was why he was present at the marriage in Cana of Galilee. God ordained marriage for three major reasons.
  1. For mutual fellowship Gen 2:18
  2. To avoid adultery and fornication 1 Cor 7:1-12
  3. For procreation Gen 1:18

When God created Adam, He said "it is not good for a man to be alone, I will make him an help meet for him", hence He created Eve. In 1 Cor 7:2, "nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let everyman have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband". If you can not remain single get your own spouse. God said in Gen 1:28, "be fruitful and multiply". For these reasons God ordained the institution of marriage.

Some processes are involved in Marriage:

The first one is choosing a partner. This sermon will be based on biblical way of choosing a right partner. God who ordained it should be at the center. It should be approached with dignity and fear of the Lord. It is sacred, should be honoured and be entered into responsibly and in the love of God. It should not be rushed into just to satisfy your carnal lust. Before you can start to think of searching for a partner, there are some signs to look out for. They are signs of maturity even though the bible does not mention or dictate age.

These signs are good indicators for readiness:

  1. Feeling of loneliness in the midst of parents, siblings and relations Eccl 4:9-12
  2. Sex drive - 1 Cor 7:7-9. It is natural to have feelings but it is scriptural to allow such feelings to be exercised only between you and your marriage partner.
  3. Family pressure - when parents and relations are reminding you and asking about your partner. They are sending signals that you should be getting ready. However, family pressure should not lead you to taking wrong steps. Partner should not be imposed on you.
  4. Maturity at business - when you are occupying a leadership position in your calling or profession, certainly you are ready for such. Your relationship with God must be cordial because he has to be at the centre of it. There is God's perfect will for choosing a partner and this can be achieved through:
  • Fervent Prayer
  • Reading the scripture because the word of God guides aright. Ps 119:105 ," Thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light unto my path"
  • Your pastor and marriage counselor can assist with prayer Prov 11:4
  • Also you can be led to your partner through the gift of the Holy Spirit, through the word of wisdom, prophecy, dreams, visions and even through your spiritual leaders.
  • You could meet your partner miraculously; you may meet and things may just be working out well towards the same goal. Don't forget that our God is a God of miracles and He is still in the business of doing them.
  • A partner should not be imposed on male or female and it should also not be by a match making exercise.

Marriage is a life time journey. Both partners must be satisfied with each other's physical disposition, make up and outlook to life. This is because somebody you will live the rest of your life with must be acceptable to you.

The 'husband to be' must at least have good prospects considering skills, capacity and competences. Marriage requires an appreciable level of financial independence to raise a home. A job seeker should settle with job first before considering marriage. Marriage can be delayed if you are financially independent.

Another thing to consider is age. The gap should not be too wide either way. But there must be love and understanding between the two. The consent of the 'bride to be' family is very important and also that of the 'groom to be'. Get the blessings of your parents before you get along. You need their consent and blessings. Afterwards in Gen 24:1-4, Abraham sent his eldest servant to go in search of a wife for his son Isaac. Your parents have a vital role to play. They need to pray along with you. Carry them along.

Finally the spiritual oneness of both of you is very important. This attitude is guided by what the bible says in 2 Cor 6:14-16. Sometimes, people wonder if they could marry outside their faith. Let the word of God guide you. There is a blessing pronounced on the Godly. Choose your partner is a Godly way. Ps 1:1-3.

After you have fulfilled all above, courtship starts.

Courtship in the scriptural way is the time to make restitution. Time to put things right with God, man and your partner. It is a period to know each other very well and to pray together. Nothing about the past should be hidden from each other. It is the period to know each other's family background and family members. However, knowing each other well excludes sleeping together, living together and sex. Sex before marriage is fornication and it is a sin. Please avoid it. But if you have committed the sin or you are still committing it, stop it. Confess it, ask for forgiveness and repent totally. Never go back to it. Prayerfully prepare for other processes until your wedding day.

May the Lord guide you and lead you to the right partner in Jesus Name.


Lord Almighty in the name of Jesus, connect me with my partner and grant me the grace to go about it in a Godly manner so that I can have a Christian home and enjoy all the blessings of marriage. AMEN

Monday, 16 August 2010


Gal 5:19-21, 1 Cor 6:9-10, Col 3:5-8

Strongholds are works of the flesh and once they permeate into one's system, they may be very difficult to break away with. It can be likened to a bondage which dominates and rules over an individual's life.

Examples of Stronghold
Adultery, fornication, lying tongue, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, strife, variance, emulation, heresies, envying, murder, drunkenness, reveling, sedition, blasphemy, filthy communication, malice, prayerlessness, lukewarmness, unbelief and doubt, dressing nude, greed, pride, anger, slander and stealing.

Sources of Strongholds
Strongholds can emanate from the family background, environment, peer-group influence, social background, societal values or even from demonic spirits. I like to consider a few of them.

Anger: Numbers 20:7-11
Moses anger led him to disobey God and it eventually deprived him of getting to the promised land. He could not take the isrealites to the promised land. Brethen, have you ever lost some privileges because of anger? You can prevent it. Anytime you are provoked to the point of anger, imbibe the habit of singing hymns and praises unto the Lord. Ask for His grace to be able to control your emotions.

Drunkennes: Gen 19:30-38
Lot's daughters got thier father drunk with wine and stoopped to incest; they slept with their father. Drunkenness apart from being a purse drainer and being hazardous to one's health as it may cause liver cirrhosis; damage other organs of the body or even lead to sudden death; it can impair or affect one's judgement, temperament and decisions or temporary loss of your reasoning abilities as it happened to Lot. Are you hooked on wine or alcohol? Do not allow alcohol to rule you.

Dressing Nude: Gen 3:21
God clothed Adam and Eve with garments he made from coats of skins. God did this to cover their nakedness and perhaps prevent them from being beaten by harsh weather conditions. If primarily dresses are to cover one's nakedness, why are you exposing body conditions parts that you are to cover? Dressing nude does not make you responsible or beautiful. Woe to world because of the things that cause people to sin. Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come. Therefore, you should not dress or appear in a manner that would allow others to sin. Matthew 18:7.

Lying: Act 5:1-11
Lying is a conscious attempt to deceive. Ananias and Sapphira lied to God and God's people. The punishment they got was instant death. Are you still lying? Your punishment may not be instant death, but lying destroys your testimony about Christ. Perhaps, you tell lies to evade punishment or to please people to make yourself look good. Lying is of the devil.

Murder: Gen 4:8-12
Cain became envious and killed his junior brother Abel because God accepted Abel's offering and looked on him with favour. God placed a curse on Cain that when he tilled the ground, it would not yield crops and that he would be a restless wanderer on the earth. Brethe, Cain started with envy and jealousy and eventually led to murder. Learn to control your emotions. Do not get in the habit of comparing yourself with others. You are unique and specially made. If Cain had not compared himself with his brother, perhaps he would not have been a murderer. You would not be a murderer in Jesus Name.

Adultery: 2 Sam 11:4-27
David committed adultery with Bathesheba and sent Bathesheba's husband, Uriah to the warfront so that he could have full possession of her. Uriah eventually died at the warfront and Bathesheba moved into David's house. But the thing David had done displeased the Lord. The seed of adultery died. God also pronounced that the sword shall never depart from his house and his wives shall be taken by people that are close to him and shall lie with them. Learn from David's predicament. Flee from the lust of the flesh and be faithful to your partner. Do not bring down curses on your family.

Pride: Isa 14:12-16
Lucifer occupied an important position in the kindgom of God among the angels, but he became proud and rebellious. As a result, he lost the privileged position. God sent him out of heaven and since then he is been roaming about the earth with one third of the angels that followed him from heaven seeking whom he may devour. Pride goes before downfall. What is making you proud? Is it wealth, position or beauty? You can be dispssessed of them all. You will not fall in Jesus name. Remember Lucifer fell from grace to grass.

Brethen, you have known what strongholds are and how they can affect your life. The Bible says in James 2:10-11, that whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point of one is guilty of breaking all the law and such person shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

What is your stronghold? Will you allow adultery, anger, fornication, greed, lying, drunkenness, murder or pride and the likes to rob you of eternity? God forbid. You have to cut them off. Identify your stronghold and deal with it as discussed below.

Dealing with strongholds
The bible says our weapons of warfare are not carnal. To deal with stronghold, you have to embrace the sword of the spirit and pray without ceasing. Read the word and live it. You may need to change your environment if the stronghold emanates from your there. It may also involve you cutting off your friends and replacing them with believers. Jesus should be your role model.

Do not see pulling down strongholds as a difficult task. In Romans 17:19-25, Apostles Paul cried out to God when he discovered that the good things he loved to do, he was not able to do them and the evil things he did not want to do were those things he was doing. Finally, he said, "What a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body of death. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ". So, who will rescue you from these strongholds? God will surely rescue you through Jesus Christ.

Lord Almighty, in the name of Jesus, deliver me from all kinds of strongholds and grant me dominion over them. I also pray that the devil will not have a hold on me. AMEN

Friday, 6 August 2010

Prayer Can Change Your Situation

1 Chronicles 4:9-10, 1 Samuel 1:9-20, Esther 4:16 - 5:3, Daniel 2:16-18, Acts 12:4-7, 2 Kings 2:1-5

Prayer is communication between man and God in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is addressed to God in the form of supplication, adoration, praise, contrition, love, thanksgiving or in order to ask for something. It is the walking stick of a Christian and a potent weapon available to every child of God. It is the primary medium through which we commune with God to obtain our needs, intercede for others and receive powers to wrestle against principalities and powers. It can be likened to a telephone call to heavens headquarters to effect changes or to receive both in the physical or spiritual realms. Prayer can be offered openly, privately, individually or collectively.

Jesus Christ knew the utmost significance and effect of prayers and its power to change situations. He taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9, to our Father in Heaven while on earth. He dedicated Himself fully to the ministry of prayers, John 17:1. The Bible tells us to "pray without ceasing". 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Prayer can change sorrow to joy, death to life, barrenness to fruitfulness, failure to success, stagnation to promotion, lack to abundance, shame to glory, dishonour to honour, impossibility to possibility. No wonder the Psalmist says in Psalm 121:1-2, "I will lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth". Jeremiah 33:3a says "Call to me and I will answer you". Call on Him now, reach Him with your prayers and surely your situation will change for better in Jesus name. Amen.

Let us consider some people in the Bible who have used prayers to effect positive changes in their situations and in the situations of people around them. People like Jabez, Hannah, Esther, Hezekiah, Elijah and Daniel to mention a few.

Change From Sorrow To Honour
1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez was named a child of sorrow by his mother because she said she gave birth to him in and with sorrow. At a point, Jabez got tired of his situation and prayed earnestly and fervently to God to change his situation. Jabez called on God of Israel saying, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me and keep from harm so that I will be free from pain". And God granted his request. Man of sorrow became a honourable man. Have you been stigmatised over any issue? Has the world given you a name God has not given you? The Lord that answered Jabez is still there.

Barrenness to Fruitfulness
1 Samuel 1:9-20. Hannah, wife of Elkanah though loved so much by her husband was barren. She was always tormented, provoked and humiliated. She was always sorrowful and dejected; she wanted this situation to change. She went to the tabernacle at Shiloh which is the religious centre of the nation to pray with a heavy heart. She prayed and wept bitterly to God. After making her petition known to God, her countenance changed and the Lord remembered her and she became a mother of seven children. Afterwards the Bible says "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning". Has anybody tormented, provoked and humiliated you? The Lord who changed Hannah's story is still there.

Special Favour
Ester 4: 16 - 5:3. Esther prayed and fasted for three days with her people in Shushan to obtain favour in the sight of king Ahasuerus to save the Jews from destruction. She was even ready to perish because death was the punishment for going to the king when not invited. But because she prayed and fasted, instead of death, it was favour she obtained and the king granted her request. People were saved from destruction. Is there anything threatening you, your family or community? God who favoured Esther and granted her request is still there. God who owns the heart of the kings, your boss and everybody is still there. Your prayers can effect changes positively. You can add fasting to your prayers to fast track the impacts.

Captivity to Freedom
Acts 12:4-7. The church interceded for Peter while King Herod held him imprisoned awaiting death sentence. The church members prayed without ceasing to God to change Herod's stand and God heard and sent an angel to Peter. The angel came upon him and a light shined in the prison and he smote Peter on the side, the iron gates and chains loosened and Peter was set free. Are you in any form of bondage or captivity? Financial, social, economic or spiritual? God can send an angel to you to set you free. Prayers offered can set the captives free. Start to intercede for people, for your community, the missionaries on the mission field and those held captives.

Change From Imminent Death to Life
2 Kings 2:1-5. Despite the fact that God sent Prophet Isaiah to Hezekiah to inform him to put his house in order and prepare for death (just as some doctors would sometimes pronounce imminent death for some patients), Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to God and wept bitterly. God heard his prayers and changed his stand by sending the same Isaiah to him. God even added fifteen years to Hezekiah's and delivered him and the city he dwelt in from the Assyrians. Has anybody told you that sickness is unto death? Who has said it when the Almighty God has not? As Hezekiah did, you can do better to effect positive change. God will surely deliver you from the pangs of sickness and you will live to enjoy the fruits of your labour. However, if you pray and God grants you the grace to live longer, restitute, be right with your God, guard your salvation with trembling and fear and be ready to make it to heaven at all cost. Psalm 91:16 says "With long life I will satisfy you". So pray until something happens.

Divine Knowledge And Wisdom
Daniel 2: 16-18. Daniel with his three friends prayed to God to reveal and interpret king Nebuchadnezzar's dream. God gave Daniel knowledge and wisdom to interpret the king's dream. The prayer offered was more effective than panic and it saved them and all the wise men of Babylon from death which the king had promised if nobody could interpret his dream. Won't you pray? You better start if you have not cultivated the habit of praying. Prayer can move mountains, can level mountains and can reverse the irreversible. Pray to God in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit until something happens.

Worry, weeping, anxiety can not change situation, they only make situation worse. Why worry when you can pray? He says call upon me and I will answer you. The righteous prays ahead of evil days and his prayer availeth much. Make prayer part and parcel of you. Be a prayer champion.

Father, give me the grace to appreciate the power of prayer. Let me be able to set myself apart for prayer in Jesus name. AMEN