
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Thursday, 7 October 2021


In this context, God will be referred to as the one that controls times and seasons.

He knows the end of all things from the beginning, and he has set an appointed time to every event under the heaven. Our God is a God of order and he has its own time table for every event or occurrence. 

Appointed time is the specific, fixed, designated, proper, acceptable, favourable, assigned or ordained time.

God's appointed time is the specific and designated time the one who controls times and seasons has chosen to make an event or a particular thing to happen. With him there is no lateness and he is always on time. The time duration could be within seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. But no matter what, such event or occurrence will certainly happen at God's appointed time. Hab 2:3; Ecc 3:1, "There is a time for every activity under heaven."

The Bible talks of appointed time severally. Let us go through some of them.

  • Gen 21:2- "Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised."
  • Ex 9:5-6a -"And the LORD appointed a set time saying, tomorrow the LORD shall do this thing in the land. And the LORD did that thing on the morrow," As God said, he caused a plague on the livestock of the Egyptians for refusing to release the Israelites.
  • Ps 102:13-"You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come."
  • Ecc 8:6-"For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a person may we weighed down by misery."
  • Isa 49:8a-This is what the LORD says:"In the time of my favour I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you;"
  • Gal 4:4-5 -"But when the set time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship."

The coming of the Messiah had been prophesied by Prophet Isaiah at least 700 years before the event. God has his programme for events. Once we key into any of his promises, we require absolute faith in him, so that He May grant the grace to wait enduringly.   

From the above passages we can see that there are appointed times for specific events to occur in life that are totally out of man's control. Every event in life has its appointed time by God; and indeed God determines and controls the time of birth and death according to his will. No one lives on earth forever. At God's appointed time, conception takes place, birth occurs and death occurs. Our Lord Jesus Christ was born at God's appointed time and at the appointed place.

Let us consider a few cases in the Bible.

  • Despite Abraham's and Sarah's old age, Isaac was born at the very time God had promised. Gen 21:1-2. i.e at the appointed time.
  • Despite the double portion of sacrifice Elkanah offered to God at Shiloh year after year on behalf of Hannah over and above his first wife Peninnah with her children, it was at God's appointed time that God remembered her, opened her womb and Samuel was born to her 1 Sam 1:3-20. 
  • Even though David was anointed by Samuel in the midst of his brothers as king at around age fifteen he did not become king in Israel until age thirty after Saul the first king died. In between those years, he went through several ordeals, among which King Saul desperately sought after his life. But despite all, he survived and became king at God's appointed time.1Sam16:1-13, 2Sam 5:4.
  • There was a disabled man, of 38 years, who needed help to get inside the pool of Bethesda so that when the water is stirred he can be made whole; sadly he never got anybody to get him into the pool. But when the appointed time of his healing came, Jesus came into the picture. Jesus asked him, "Do you want to get well?" He replied, "Sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." Perhaps, he did not even recognise Jesus as a saviour and healer. Jesus said to him," Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once he was cured, picked up his mat and walked. Jn 5:1-8.

Brethren, the WHEN and HOW you imagine may not be the WHEN and HOW God plans. Are you looking unto God for a job, for healing, for breakthrough, for future partner, for fruit of the womb, for restoration, for turn-around of events and situations, the appointed time will surely come.

The appointed time came for Abraham and Sarah to have Isaac; for Hannah to have Samuel; for David to be king over Israel and for the disabled of thirty-eight years at the Pool of Bethesda to be healed. Yours too will surely come in Jesus name. Amen

Be informed that whatever happens, it will always be according to God's plan. We may not understand why, but it does allow us to trust God and find our ultimate purpose in such. God does everything for his glory and for our good. Rom 8:28.

Brethren, those challenges that have remained for so long, that are making you anxious, worried, downcast and sorrowful have expiry dates. At God's appointed time, solution will come and there will be an end to them in Jesus name. Amen. Just look unto Jesus, patiently wait on him with faith and do not waiver. God has his own timetable that he works with, He is never late and always on time. And since you are part of His master plan, He will never forget you. For He makes everything beautiful at its own time, yours won't be an exemption.

Our times are in God's hand, exercise faith and patiently wait on him on all issues for the appointed time. Heb 6:13-15. Avoid leaning on your own understanding or wisdom. Continue to trust as you surrender all to God. Be obedient to God's commands in order to allow fulfillment of His promises at the appointed time. We must not waver in our hope for “He who promised, is faithful (Heb 10:23). “The vision is for an appointed time, it may tarry but does not delay”. Habb 2:3


Heavenly Father, let all your promises be fulfilled in my life and family members at your appointed time. None of us will miss it or do anything that will work against the appointed time in Jesus name. Grant us the grace to patiently wait on you with faith. For in Jesus' name I prayed. Amen