Text: Exodus 4-17
One of the characters of GOD is that He is a miracle working GOD. He is a GOD of signs and wonders. A miracle is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. It is an inexplicable event of divine intervention in human affairs. It is different from natural phenomenon and it surpasses all human or natural powers. It is an extraordinary, startling, outstanding and unusual observable event happening as a sign of the power of GOD. It cannot be reasonably explained in terms of human abilities or other known forces in the world. Miracles are signs and wonders of GOD. They are direct acts of GOD, they are instantaneous and the effects are instantaneous with symbolic signs.
There are so many miracles wrought by GOD that were recorded in the Bible. He is still working miracles till date. He is a miracle working GOD and he is the Alpha and the Omega.
The LORD himself made it known that he is a GOD of miracles. Ex 7:3, "And I will make Pharaoh's heart stubborn and hard, and multiply My signs, My wonders, and miracles in the land of Egypt". Ex 10:1-2, "The LORD said to Moses, go to Pharaoh, for I have made his heart hard, and his servants' hearts, that I might show these My signs ( of divine power) before him, and that you may recount in the ears of your son and of your grandson what I have done in derision of the Egyptians and what things I have ( repeatedly) done there - My signs done among them - that you may recognise and know that I am the LORD". Ex 11:9 "Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that My wonders (miracles) may be multiplied in the land of Egypt."
The psalmist also recalled the wonders of GOD. Ps 77:11&14, "I will recall the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember the wonders of old. You are the GOD who does wonders. You have demonstrated your power among the peoples."
Let us consider some of the miracles in the Bible.
- The creation of heaven and earth by GOD within six days by speaking the word. Gen 1:1-31.
- The birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate miracle. Lk 1-24.
- The creation of Adam and Eve. Gen 2:7-23.
- The departure of the children of Israel from Egypt was marked with a lot of miracles. Ex 4-17.
A lot of miracles were wrought by GOD through the hands of Aaron and Moses. GOD put a lot of wonders in Moses hand. Ex 4:21.
- Turning of staff in Moses hand into a snake, by throwing it on the ground for the Egyptians to see the sign and believe, and the process was reversed.Ex 4:3.
- Moses putting hand into his robe as instructed by GOD and the hand became leprous. The process was reversed and restored again. Ex 4:6.
- Water taken from Nile river and poured on the ground and turned blood on the dry ground. Ex 4:9.
- The Nile water changed to blood and all the fish died, the river smelled and the water became undrinkable when Aaron stretched the staff over the waters and this lasted for seven days. Ex 7:20-21.
- Frogs invaded the whole land of Egypt at GOD's command. Ex 8:6.
- The plague of Gnats throughout the land. Ex 8:17.
This made Pharaoh's magicians to be perplexed because they have always made counterfeit of what the LORD was doing through Aaron and Moses and they were convinced and they confirmed that, "this is the finger of GOD." That is, it was not ordinary.
This was followed by different devastating Plagues such that Pharaoh was overwhelmed and he released Moses and his people with their children and flocks and even required for their blessings. As they left Egypt, (Ex 13:21) " The LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:" The LORD did not take away both pillars just to make sure they continued their journey day and night without darkness.
Again, the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea with their chariots, horsemen and all the host of Pharaoh and they were covered with water. But the children of Israel walked upon dry land. They sang songs of victory as they walked upon dry land. As they continued they witnessed miracles upon miracles. When there was no water in the wilderness, and the water in Marah was bitter, the LORD shewed Moses a tree and he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet and they drank. Again, when they were hungry and there was no food for them, the LORD rained bread from heaven. There was miracle of Quails which they called Manna and they fed on it for forty years until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan. Again, Moses struck the rock in Horeb as directed by GOD and water came out and they drank. Brethren, the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt was accompanied by so many miracles that Pharaoh's magicians knew and confirmed that the GOD of Israel who they were contending with is a GOD of miracles.
GOD also empowered his son, Jesus to perform miracles. Some of the miracles performed by him are:
- Transformation of water into wine at the marriage at Cana of Galilee. Jhn: 1-11.
- He raised Lazarus who had been dead after four days. Matt 8:23-27.
- Miracles of the loaves where he blessed five loaves and two fishes to feed about five thousand men and there was left over of twelve baskets full. Mk 6:41-44.
- Healing of the woman with the issue of blood of twelve years. Mk 5:25-29
- He restored blind Bartimaeus eyes. Mk 10:46-52.
- He healed the man at the pool of Bethesida who had an infinity for thirty eight years. Jhn 5:5-9.
- He calmed the storm. Matt 8:23-27.
- He walked upon water/on the sea. Matt 14:25-26.
- He was involved in many miracles of healing and of casting out of demons.
All these Jesus did to show that his Father is real. And GOD performed these miracles to make people know that he is GOD and he also wanted them to see signs and wonders and to show that there is no one like him in all the earth.
Miracles make people to appreciate the awesomeness of GOD and to believe him. Brethren, GOD is still GOD. He is in control of miracles, signs and wonders. In what area do you need his signs, wonders and miracles? In healing, deliverance, multiplication, blessings, just name it. Go to GOD in prayer through Jesus and with faith ask. If you desire any miracle, ask the Father in the name of his son Jesus Christ and with faith you shall receive. But watch out! For there are the likes of Pharaoh's magicians all over the place. You are admonished to beware of them so that you won't fall victim. The miracles from GOD are not hidden, they are always witnessed by many, very outstanding, and not temporal.However as GOD used the hands of Aaron and Moses to work miracles then, he can still use the hands of those he likes to work miracles now for he is the same GOD and for ever he will be.
Father in heaven, I know you are a GOD of signs,wonders and miracles. Please, let me experience you in a miraculous way in all areas of my life and let your signs and wonders follow me for I believe. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.