A disciple is a learner and a follower of Jesus Christ. One who grows in Christ
and holds to His teaching; believes His doctrine and abides in Him and His
word. One who confesses Jesus as the Messiah; is set apart to learn, to
imitate Jesus and remain in him. He models Jesus and teaches the precepts of
the Bible, doctrine, Christian living, service and worship. One who proclaims
the good news and disciples others .A disciple is one who is ready to forsake
all for the sake of Jesus Christ and lives the Christian life in its fullness.
During the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, He chose twelve disciples who
were always with him. They learnt at his feet for a period of time. They left their families and
abandoned all just to follow Him. He gave them specific assignment to do, such as to preach the word and he
gave them power to heal and to cast out demons. He finally instructed them to
disciple others. Mk 16:15 and Matt 28:18-19. As it was, so it is today.
Jesus said in Luke 14:27, "And who so ever does not bear his cross, and come
after me, cannot be my disciple." Though we cannot literally walk with him
as the first set of disciples, through fellowship with him, reading the word
and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we feel him and act like him. John 13:14-17.
Brethren, there is a price to pay for being a disciple. It involves sacrifice, total
commitment, obedience, determination, consistency, perseverance, doggedness, ability
to imbibe Christ' spirit and imitate him.
A disciple is set apart for a specific role. Having been a disciple, he should
be ready to disciple others. Be prepared to learn through the help of the Holy
Spirit and be prepared to teach others and preach the word and make disciples
after the like of Jesus Christ. Once a disciple, you cannot look back. Luke 9:62.
But Jesus said to him, "No one having put his hand to the plough, and
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
Determine to be a disciple till
the end. A disciple is to love God more than anyone or anything else. Be ready
to forgo whatever will dull your desire to serve, quench your hunger for the
word and thirst for prayer or whatever will make the world more attractive to
you. It is expected of you to live a sinless life and live a holy life. For you
are an ambassador of Christ and you have to represent him very well. Walk
continually with God without blemish and pray without ceasing. Always present your
body as a living sacrifice. Romans 12:1. Go about doing good works according to the
ability God gives you and exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23.
It is rewarding to be a disciple because your labour will not be in vain. 1 Corinthians
15:58, "Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding
in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the
Lord." Jesus gave an example of what he expected from his disciples when
he washed their feet. John 13:14-15. He said in verse 17, "if you know these
things, blessed are you if you do them." A disciple will surely be
Brethren, to be a disciple is a blessing. You are counted among the wise as you
win souls and bear fruit that remain for the Lord (Proverbs 11:30) and eternal
reward is promised. 1 Corithians 9:24-25.
Dear Lord, I want to be one of your disciples. Kindly equip me with all I need
to be and let me be in Jesus' name. Amen.