Mark 26:26-28, 1 Cor 11:23-34.
Holy Communion was instituted by Jesus Christ during his
last supper with his disciples. He commanded his followers to do it in
remembrance of him and he referred to the bread as his body and the wine
as his blood.1 Cor 11:23-26. Taking the meal is like receiving Christ into one's body. John
6:53-58. It is like grafting his body into one's body so that one becomes like
him and be united with him.1 Cor 10:16-17. Taking it is an expression of faith
and obedience to Christ's instruction. 1 Cor11:23-24.
The meal contains unleavened bread; it represents Christ's
body and the wine represents his blood. When the ordinary bread and wine are
blessed with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus, they become holy, special and
miraculous. Jesus said you will live if you eat “my body and drink my blood”. I
am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will
live for ever: this bread is my flesh which I will give for the live of the
world. John 6:51. The Holy Communion is the blood uniting Christians as
individuals and groups with each other and with Jesus Christ. It involves
sharing and fellowshipping with Christ and believers. It is a joyous time to
eat and drink with believers and thereby remembering what Jesus accomplished
for us by his death and resurrection. 1 Cor 11:17-34. It is a time believers
commune with each other as well as commune with God. As we partake we are proclaiming
that Jesus died for our sins and we are remembering him and also
proclaiming his death until he comes. 1 Cor 11:26.
With the words,” Do this in remembrance of me." He gave the disciples
the commission and the authority to celebrate it the same way as he himself had
done it. Matt 26:26-28. He said in John 6:48-58, "I am the bread of life. This
is the bread which comes down from heaven, which one may eat of it and not die.
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and
drink his blood, you have no life in you. For my flesh is food in deed and my
blood is drink in deed." With these statements of Jesus, it is explanatory
that when you gather to take Holy Communion, you are spiritually eating his
body and drinking his blood in remembrance of him.
Who should partake in it?
Only believers who have been baptised by water immersion should partake. However it should not be taken in an unworthy manner. The following should be exempted: anyone who is backsliding or who has backslidden; one with un confessed and un repented sin; any one disobedient to God's laws and instructions; any one keeping malice; any form of unforgiveness or any form of crime. 1 Cor 11:27-28,"So then who ever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup." It is good to thoroughly examine oneself, make a good confession and truly repent of all sins so that one won't be guilty. 1 Cor 11:28-30. The Lord's table must be approached in holiness and humility.
Only believers who have been baptised by water immersion should partake. However it should not be taken in an unworthy manner. The following should be exempted: anyone who is backsliding or who has backslidden; one with un confessed and un repented sin; any one disobedient to God's laws and instructions; any one keeping malice; any form of unforgiveness or any form of crime. 1 Cor 11:27-28,"So then who ever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup." It is good to thoroughly examine oneself, make a good confession and truly repent of all sins so that one won't be guilty. 1 Cor 11:28-30. The Lord's table must be approached in holiness and humility.
How should it be taken?
When the bread is being blessed with thanksgiving, broken and served, partakers should eat it, focusing on the cross. When the cup of wine is served, all partakers are to drink it in unison in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And immediately after drinking, the brethren are to commence prayers referencing God and giving thanks. As you eat the bread, you receive Christ into your body, soul and spirit. You receive physical, mental and spiritual healing (1 Peter 2:24) and you become a carrier of the Holy Ghost. As you drink the blood you receive forgiveness from sins (Matt 26:28) and you obtain grace, mercy, help, power and life. Heb 4:16. The blood cleanses you from all sins and makes you whole. You are sealed with the blood and the blood marks you out for signs and wonders. Yoke is broken, reproaches are rolled away and you are washed and made whole. As you become a carrier of the Holy Ghost, you have supernatural strength to resist temptation and you are enabled to be conscious of sin. It gives you spiritual joy in the service of Christ as you remain in him and him in you. John 6:55".
When the bread is being blessed with thanksgiving, broken and served, partakers should eat it, focusing on the cross. When the cup of wine is served, all partakers are to drink it in unison in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And immediately after drinking, the brethren are to commence prayers referencing God and giving thanks. As you eat the bread, you receive Christ into your body, soul and spirit. You receive physical, mental and spiritual healing (1 Peter 2:24) and you become a carrier of the Holy Ghost. As you drink the blood you receive forgiveness from sins (Matt 26:28) and you obtain grace, mercy, help, power and life. Heb 4:16. The blood cleanses you from all sins and makes you whole. You are sealed with the blood and the blood marks you out for signs and wonders. Yoke is broken, reproaches are rolled away and you are washed and made whole. As you become a carrier of the Holy Ghost, you have supernatural strength to resist temptation and you are enabled to be conscious of sin. It gives you spiritual joy in the service of Christ as you remain in him and him in you. John 6:55".
What follows?
After receiving it there is a period of silence with a proper thanksgiving and you celebrate it with hymns, songs and prayers. Matt26:30.
After receiving it there is a period of silence with a proper thanksgiving and you celebrate it with hymns, songs and prayers. Matt26:30.
How often should it be taken?
The meal should be taken as often as possible (1Cor11:25) and since it is also referred to as the Lord's Supper it is advisable to take it after 6pm or in the evening. Some believers organise it monthly and some quarterly. But however frequent it may be, it has to be taken with reference and in a worthy manner.
The meal should be taken as often as possible (1Cor11:25) and since it is also referred to as the Lord's Supper it is advisable to take it after 6pm or in the evening. Some believers organise it monthly and some quarterly. But however frequent it may be, it has to be taken with reference and in a worthy manner.
Who should administer the Holy Communion?
The Holy Communion service must be done in an orderly manner. It should be anchored by someone who is knowledgeable about it. Ordained pastors or clergy men who are officials in the church are to administer it. The Holy Communion service involves songs of hymns and worship. Partakers should be reminded of what the Holy Communion is all about. Prayers are also offered with thanksgiving before the unleavened bread is broken and served to follow the example as Jesus did in 1 Cor 11:24. He blessed and gave thanks before he broke the bread. Taking the Holy Communion helps to carry out deep self-examination as one prepares to be at table with Christ. It encourages one to live holy and be at peace with oneself and others.
The Holy Communion service must be done in an orderly manner. It should be anchored by someone who is knowledgeable about it. Ordained pastors or clergy men who are officials in the church are to administer it. The Holy Communion service involves songs of hymns and worship. Partakers should be reminded of what the Holy Communion is all about. Prayers are also offered with thanksgiving before the unleavened bread is broken and served to follow the example as Jesus did in 1 Cor 11:24. He blessed and gave thanks before he broke the bread. Taking the Holy Communion helps to carry out deep self-examination as one prepares to be at table with Christ. It encourages one to live holy and be at peace with oneself and others.
Father in heaven, I love to commune with other believers and Jesus Christ as the Lord’s Supper. Grant me the grace to be a worthy partaker of this special meal as often as possible in Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Father in heaven, I love to commune with other believers and Jesus Christ as the Lord’s Supper. Grant me the grace to be a worthy partaker of this special meal as often as possible in Jesus' name I pray. Amen