
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Saturday 25 May 2024

A PURE HEART. “Pure” means clean, clear, fine, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unalloyed, unpolluted, and it could also mean undefiled or sinless in the context of this sermon. “Heart” is considered the seat of life or strength. It is the vital part of the body that pumps blood and oxygen through the body and without it life ceases. If functions 24/7 and it is the epicenter of our inner being , and the well spring of life. It is the part of one that connects with God and other people. Man is designed according to his heart and so man’s heart is important to God. It is part of man’s spiritual make up. It is where emotions and desires begin and it drives the will of man. Out of the abundance of the heart , the mouth speaks. A pure heart is the heart that is clean and sinless. It is a heart that is without malice, treachery and evil intent. It is a heart that is guileless, free of deceit, honest, sincere, righteous, godly and holy. It is a heart that is being cleansed and being filled with the word of God. It is a heart that is undivided and is for Christ and Christ alone. Is a humble heart that is surrendered to God and walks in godliness. Jesus said in Matt 5:8” Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”This verse shines most clearly in the sixth Beatitude in the sermon Jesus gave on the Mount. This also tells us there are likely to be people with impure heart and the implication is that such will not be able to see God when ever they transit. If having a pure heart will qualify one to see God, automatically it means one will inherit the kingdom of God whenever one is called home. Generally the heart is described as being stony, divided, large, fearful, tender, heart of gold, heart of .flesh, and pure heart. Each depicts or connotes the behavior or character of the person being referred to and it has a different meaning. Hence the heart is referred to as spiritual part of one, where emotions and desires begin. The seat of one’s life or strength. This sermon will concentrate on a pure heart. Brethren , having a pure heart can not be quantified. Therefore it is profitable to have it, retain it, till the end and if there is anything to desire most, it should be a pure heart. A pure heart allows one entrance into God’s presence and be able to stand in God’s holy place. It helps one to develop conscience, self - control and spurs one towards godliness and be free totally from sin. It helps to be zealous for good deed and be fully devoted to God. It is with the heart that one keeps God’s commands Deut 30:14. Benefits of having a pure heart. The pure in heart are blessed, they will see God in eternity, will have everlasting life and will inherit the kingdom of God which is the greatest benefit one can have. Matt 5:8. Will be honourable and special vessel God will want to use for his kingdom assignment on earth. And because Jesus is pure in heart he will walk with the pure in heart , and God will be good to them as well because he releases blessings and his goodness to them. Ps73:1b. The heart can be polluted and to avoid its being polluted, it is necessary to do the following to make sure it remains pure. As Cardiologists will advise that people should keep their hearts healthy by doing certain things, spiritually too, you are admonished to keep your heart pure. You can keep your heart pure by :- Repent of your sins and be totally free from them and turn to God. Matt4: 17. Studying the word of God, filling your heart with it and living by the word.John 15:3. Let your heart be fully committed to the Lord and live by his decrees.1 Kings 8:61. Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith,love and peace. 2Tim 2:22. By living according to the word of God , seeking him with all your heart and not straying from his commands. The Psalmist actually asked thus: how can a young man stay on the path of purity, by living according to your word. Ps119:9. Avoid bad company because it corrupts the heart, and it can hinder purity of heart. Associate your self with people of faith and of good quality. It is better to be alone than to be in bad company. Amos 3:3. Ask God to search you, to know your heart, and to test you to know your anxious thoughts, and to see if there is any offensive way in you, and lead you in the way everlasting. Ps 139: 23. God says in Jer. 17:10 “ I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Brethren, since God will use how pure your heart is as a benchmark to judge and reward you, you are admonished to keep your heart pure and be confident of the eternal reward. May the Lord help you. Prayer. Heavenly Father, since only the pure in heart will see you , and I want to be among them, purify my heart and grant me the grace to retain the purity till the end. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Sent from my iPad HEART


“Pure” means clean, clear, fine, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unalloyed, unpolluted, and it could also mean undefiled or sinless in the context of this sermon.
“Heart” is considered the seat of life or strength. It is the vital part of the body that pumps blood and oxygen through the body and without it life ceases. If functions 24/7 and it is the epicenter of our inner being , and the well spring of life. It is the part of one that connects with God and other people. Man is designed according to his heart and so man’s heart is important to God. It is part of man’s spiritual make up. It is where emotions and desires begin and it drives the will of man. Out of the abundance of the heart , the mouth speaks.
A pure heart is the heart that is clean and sinless. It is a heart that is without malice, treachery and evil intent. It is a heart that is guileless, free of deceit, honest, sincere, righteous, godly and holy. It is a heart that is being cleansed and being filled with the word of God. It is a heart that is undivided and is for Christ and Christ alone. Is a humble heart that is surrendered to God and walks in godliness. 
Jesus said in Matt 5:8” Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”This verse shines most clearly in the sixth Beatitude in the sermon Jesus gave on the Mount. This also tells us there are likely to be people with impure heart and the implication is that such will not be able to see God when ever they transit.
If having a pure heart will qualify one to see God, automatically it means one will inherit the kingdom of God whenever one is called home. 
Generally the heart is described as being stony, divided, large, fearful, tender, heart of gold, heart of .flesh, and pure heart. Each depicts or connotes the behavior or character of the person being referred to and it has a different meaning. Hence the heart is referred to as spiritual part of one, where emotions and desires begin. The seat of one’s life or strength. This sermon will concentrate on a pure heart.
Brethren , having a pure heart can not be quantified. Therefore it is profitable to have it, retain it, till the end and if there is anything to desire most, it should be a pure heart.
A pure heart allows one entrance into God’s presence and be able to stand in God’s holy place. It helps one to develop conscience, self - control and spurs one towards godliness and be free totally from sin. It helps to be zealous for good deed and be fully devoted to God.
It is with the heart that one keeps God’s commands Deut 30:14.
Benefits of having a pure heart.
The pure in heart are blessed, they will see God in eternity, will have everlasting life and will inherit the kingdom of God which is the greatest benefit one can have. Matt 5:8. Will be honourable and special vessel God will want to use for his kingdom assignment on earth. And because Jesus is pure in heart he will walk with the pure in heart , and God will be good to them as well because he releases blessings and his goodness to them. Ps73:1b.
The heart can be polluted and to avoid its being polluted, it is necessary to do the following to make sure it remains pure.
As Cardiologists will advise that people should keep their hearts healthy by doing certain things, spiritually too, you are admonished to keep your heart pure.
You can keep your heart pure by :-
Repent of your sins and be totally free from them and turn to God. Matt4: 17.
Studying the word of God, filling your heart with it and living by the word.John 15:3.
Let your heart be fully committed to the Lord and live by his decrees.1 Kings 8:61.
Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith,love and peace. 2Tim 2:22.
By living according to the word of God , seeking him with all your heart and not straying from his commands. The Psalmist actually asked thus: how can a young man stay on the path of purity, by living according to your word. Ps119:9.
Avoid bad company because it corrupts the heart, and it can hinder purity of heart. Associate your self with people of faith and of good quality. It is better to be alone than to be in bad company. Amos 3:3.
Ask God to search you, to know your heart, and to test you to know your anxious thoughts, and to see if there is any offensive way in you, and lead you in the way everlasting. Ps 139: 23. God says in Jer. 17:10 “ I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
Brethren, since God will use how pure your heart is as a benchmark to judge and reward you, you are admonished to keep your heart pure and be confident of the eternal reward. May the Lord help you.
Heavenly Father, since only the pure in heart will see you , and I want to be among them, purify my heart and grant me the grace to retain the purity till the end. 
In Jesus’ name.

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fine, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unalloyed, unpolluted, and it